leds and nutes?


Well-Known Member
in going led soon and hear that the plants suffer from cal/mag defitionses, and ill need extra cal and mag, is this true, and is there any other important things i need to.know before i go led??


Active Member
a couple of other things you will run into with led is
1. they run much cooler than HPS so be prepared for way cooler temps
2. the plants will use less water (probably a result of cooler temps)


Well-Known Member
a couple of other things you will run into with led is
1. they run much cooler than HPS so be prepared for way cooler temps
2. the plants will use less water (probably a result of cooler temps)
nice info,,,i use an electric blanket if i need more heat,,, there cheap to buy, cheap to run, and you can put them in your washing machine,ha ,, no joke


Well-Known Member
The other thing your going to run into with LED.... less yield. If yield is not a concern then more power to you, cheaper to run and less heat.


Well-Known Member
The other thing your going to run into with LED.... less yield. If yield is not a concern then more power to you, cheaper to run and less heat.
why would you go to led if you get less yeild, that's taking one step back, i don't understand the point in them now??


Active Member
Yes def have cal mag on stand by it is needed ... I was freaking out with the cross over thought it was heat an all kinds of stuff with the sickness of the lady's cal mag fixed em right up .. Happy farming


Well-Known Member
First, it's not all LEDs...

it's the Blue/Red dominant LED panels at fault

A lot of us learned this a long time ago and have switched white dominant panels


Well-Known Member
It took me a while to get dialed in to my LED vs CFL. Mostly, as pointed out, due to diff in heat. That also impacts RH because less moisture gets burned out by the lights. I runa dehumidifier in my outer room now for that.

My biggest challenge was it taking too long for the pots to dry out. My soil drains very well and it hit me still. I have since drilled holes in the sides of my pots. I also keep them on some cooke cutter to allow some airflow into the bottom holes. That took care of it.

My light is white with red in flower (A51 SGS160). I don't really find I need more CalMag.