9inch bigbud
Well-Known Member
....What you are not understanding is that.... well theres alot of things ill make a list.
1. Plants never required soil just as I said earlier, hydro was no innovation or adaptation that had to be made. At a more basic level then I said earlier soil is a medium plants will grow in any viable medium as long as they are provided the other 3 essential things + nutes to thrive. Consider out there in nature where its grown naturally for millions of years. A seed roots itself in a pile of small rocks in a tiny stream, wallah hydro.
2. All of those links you show speak of plants adapting to their surroundings only within there own lifetimes, and having to adapt is going to effect yield and survival reguardless because it stresses the plant and stress = bad. But none of those links speak of anything at the genetic level passed on in its seeds. There is the 1 quote about phenotypes, but still it does not give a timeframe. Phenotypes change based on the Mother and Father plants generation after generation, but to make environmental adaptations at the genetic level passed on in a plants seed it would take like weve been saying thousands of years.
3. Think of nature and how slow things move and change, 50-60 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things when your talking in the millions of years, its a blip in the evolutionary history of the plant. Your lack of being able to grasp that largere scheme and the fact you think I would need to be a Biology professor or something to know about this stuff which would be common knowledge to anyone who paid a little attention in Highschool makes me think your probably just some kid trying to stir things up.
4. Do I really have to mention that evolutionary changes like that would require constant breeding in that environment for those thousands of years? What about the fact that HID growing only accounts for a small percentage or the Marijuana produced annually? Every guy tending to a field of 500 plants outdoors produces more by himself then probably 50-100 indoor growers, not to mention the small percentage of CFL growers as well.
5. The only reason LEDs work for other plants and not Marijuana at the moment is because in flowering Marijuana requires much more intense light to grow the fat buds we desire then it would to grow a tomato plant for example. That is the ONLY reason not some stupid adaptation shit. Thats why LEDs have worked just fine for Vegging but tended to produce stretchy skinny buds (but still produced 53g under 60w but we wont go into that again) when used to flower.
6. Basically light is just not something a plant does or would need to adapt to. If its the right spectrum and intense enough to flower the buds fat anything will work. As LEDs begin to put out more intense light from a smaller area they will begin to become viable.
yes-no plants need a balanced diet to grow well N-P-K just dont do it you need all the micro nutes we are talking about a artificial enviroment indoors where we give the plant the best that we can to help it to grow. fuck millions of years ago we are talking about what man can do to help grow better plants.1. Plants never required soil just as I said earlier, hydro was no innovation or adaptation that had to be made. At a more basic level then I said earlier soil is a medium plants will grow in any viable medium as long as they are provided the other 3 essential things + nutes to thrive. Consider out there in nature where its grown naturally for millions of years. A seed roots itself in a pile of small rocks in a tiny stream, wallah hydro.
that goes for plants grown under HPS and LED's that is putting plants under stress the have grown under the sun as you have said for millions of years.2. All of those links you show speak of plants adapting to their surroundings only within there own lifetimes, and having to adapt is going to effect yield and survival reguardless because it stresses the plant and stress = bad. But none of those links speak of anything at the genetic level passed on in its seeds. There is the 1 quote about phenotypes, but still it does not give a timeframe. Phenotypes change based on the Mother and Father plants generation after generation, but to make environmental adaptations at the genetic level passed on in a plants seed it would take like weve been saying thousands of years.
you quote "All of those links you show speak of plants adapting to their surroundings only within there own lifetimes, and having to adapt is going to effect yield and survival reguardless"
yes that right read my last post above this one. plants adapt very fast and the seeds from thouse plant flower sooner or later than the original seeds because of the enviroment they grew in. what does that tell you????
I have studied plants for the past 20 years or so of growing my own. i am not trying to stir things up on the contrary. i was looking at why some plants grow better under LED's than HPS lights even sun loving plants that like the sun the same as cannabis. I thought hard and may be the reson for it is most plant people grow indoors are breed under HPS what if the same plant was breed under LED's? is that the missing link? do you know have you tested it?3. Think of nature and how slow things move and change, 50-60 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things when your talking in the millions of years, its a blip in the evolutionary history of the plant. Your lack of being able to grasp that largere scheme and the fact you think I would need to be a Biology professor or something to know about this stuff which would be common knowledge to anyone who paid a little attention in Highschool makes me think your probably just some kid trying to stir things up.
you qoute "What about the fact that HID growing only accounts for a small percentage or the marijuana produced annually?"4. Do I really have to mention that evolutionary changes like that would require constant breeding in that environment for those thousands of years? What about the fact that HID growing only accounts for a small percentage or the marijuana produced annually? Every guy tending to a field of 500 plants outdoors produces more by himself then probably 50-100 indoor growers, not to mention the small percentage of CFL growers as well.
HID growing makes it possable to grow cannabis where otherwise it may not be grown or grown all year round
when you look for seeds in a seed bank you look for what you want i.e indoor or outdoor strains it does not matter how much anually is grown indoors or out doors.
tomato plants are a sun loving plant the same as cannabis LED still grow tomatos even though the light intenstity is noware near that of HID's? I use HPS's lights and would not use LED's again just to dissmiss them when no true tests have been dont i.e where did the original seed come from was it indoor or out door seed?5. The only reason LEDs work for other plants and not marijuana at the moment is because in flowering marijuana requires much more intense light to grow the fat buds we desire then it would to grow a tomato plant for example. That is the ONLY reason not some stupid adaptation shit. Thats why LEDs have worked just fine for Vegging but tended to produce stretchy skinny buds (but still produced 53g under 60w but we wont go into that again) when used to flower.
what im asking is if someone who grows under LED's to try it out im not saying its better than HID's but to experiment with seeds that are not breed under HPS.
you qoute " Basically light is just not something a plant does or would need to adapt to." there you go again talking bollocks! so if i put a fresh cutting under a 1000 watt HID it will just take off no matter what hight i hang the light? even uder the sun you need to harden off plants when you grow indoors to get them ready for full sun.6. Basically light is just not something a plant does or would need to adapt to. If its the right spectrum and intense enough to flower the buds fat anything will work. As LEDs begin to put out more intense light from a smaller area they will begin to become viable.