LED's Good or Bad, help needed!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Im thinking on my first grow, and well LED's seem to be the only light source at my disposal because of where i am. some one let me know, thanks


Asshole Patrol
If you're going to use LEDs for grow purposes, I suggest you check these out.

I've not seen anyone with a grow using them yet, but they seem like a logical choice if you have the resources to purchase.

Aside from that, what's the rest of your set up planning on looking like?


Well-Known Member
amazingly the third set of lights on the link u gave are the lights, but i'm gettin them used, my set is is going to be, hopefully, my own personal grow closet, and a few different strains that i want to experiment with


Well-Known Member
I have the feeling that i'll be the first to try this:D...i wanna try big bud, and white widow, just for the messing around stuff, lemme know what you guys thinks


Well-Known Member
ok cool, well i just want some info if their good for growing pot, and pot that would be worth smoking


Well-Known Member
ok cool, well i just want some info if their good for growing pot, and pot that would be worth smoking
two threads i followed concluded that led's aren't quite there yet, and the growers have gone back to t5 flouros.

check out icmag, i think there's a huge led thread there...


Well-Known Member
Well thats the thing,for my budget, and for where i am, the money i would spend to get a HPS for example, just wouldnt be worth it, the LED's are pretty much all i have at my disposal right now, unless i can save to get better, so for now, LED's seem to be the only choice for me.


Well-Known Member
well, i'll look at my options, but i think i'm gonna try the leds, just see what happens, if its a decent smoke for me, well then thats good enough


Well-Known Member
I am most familiar with lighting in buildings and such. LED's can do most anything HID can do but it will cost at least 3 times as much to do it. You can only justify LED's in special cases, like for their long life in a location where it will cost a lot replace bulbs, like on a dam I saw recently lit by LED's. The other thing they are good for is cool stuff like changing colors and things. You should really be looking at fluorescents or HID if money is tight.


Well-Known Member
well these leds i got my eyes on are about $30 for a 12'' by 12'' panel, pretty cheap to me, no heat, and there are specific spectrums of light for the veg stage and for the flowering stage, and they are in my neighborhood so shipping wont be a problem, and their are limited and for some reason fluoros and HID doesnt seem to exist here and shipping would cost way more than just buyin the leds and tryin them


Well-Known Member
I am most familiar with lighting in buildings and such. LED's can do most anything HID can do but it will cost at least 3 times as much to do it.
I would be interested in knowing how you arrived at this conclusion.
You can only justify LED's in special cases, like for their long life in a location where it will cost a lot replace bulbs, like on a dam I saw recently lit by LED's. The other thing they are good for is cool stuff like changing colors and things. You should really be looking at fluorescents or HID if money is tight
So what you are saying is you haven't taken a look at them for growing?? VV


Well-Known Member
Hi Victor
Most recently (last week) I spent about an hour reviewing a LED fixture intended to replace a 400W MH or HPS in a parking lot application. It would make a pretty good grow light, take a look at it. Beta LED: Beta LED Delivers THE EDGE™ This is just for an example, I probably see new LED products every couple of weeks, subscribe to several professional lighting magazines, email lists, and have worked with lighting for quite some time and am very familar with the properties of most lighting sources. I've followed the development of LED's for the last 5 years or more and at this point I'd say it takes at least 3 times as much to do anything with LED's as it would cost to do with fluorescents, HPS or MH.

As far as for growing with LED's no I have not tried them. I have worked on several research greenhouses projects where grow lighting is used and it has always been HPS, MH, or fluorescent. Lots of people have been working on LEDs 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year for a number of years looking for applications for LED lights. In technical information I receive on LED applications grow lighting does not appear to be a practical for LED's at the current time.

The bottom line is that LED's only put out about as much light per watt as HID and fluorescents but it costs 3 times as much to buy them initially. This will change and in 5 years there might be a good reason to use LEDs for growing at that time but I don't think we are there yet.


Well-Known Member
well right now i've come to a decision to try my third grow using LED's within two weeks i'll be gettin my lights, seeds, and so on, then i'll start my journal and everyone can follow along:D


Well-Known Member
now i need some advice, well i have a closet, about 6 foot tall, 2 deep, 4 wide, now i also have a huge room in my place thats just unused, i've been in there twice since i moved in 3 months ago, i just have no idea what kind of setup i should have, the one thing about the empty room, is if i wanted to do a sea of green my landlord would probably see it, she makes just random stops some time. i was wondering if maybe a big grow closet in the room would be good or should i just use my closet