Left 4 Dead by Valve


Well-Known Member
game is fucking awesome, anyone else play it?

if so me and some friends were trying to figure out how to play a 8 person game on the system link between 2 consoles (xbox360). there no option for more then two players on each system, but the case says 2-8 system linked on the case, so were mad confused and if anyone else tried this lemme know


that game online is fucking bad ass

4 people as the boss zombies trying to kill the people

4 people trying to fight off the zombies and make it too the safe room...

oh my god when im hihg and play that game...

when im the hunter or smoker i cant help but swing my arms in attack every time i have some one in my grasp


Well-Known Member
hahaha yeah right the fuck on,im def getting online with that soon, but for now wev been doin system link but only been able to get 2 controllers on each console, when i belive we sould be able to have 4 on each. but yeah the versus game is the fucking mad fun.


hahaha yeah right the fuck on,im def getting online with that soon, but for now wev been doin system link but only been able to get 2 controllers on each console, when i belive we sould be able to have 4 on each. but yeah the versus game is the fucking mad fun.

imho.. stop trying to get 8

i dont know about you but on a 50 inch screen i was having problems seeing in split screen
8 people will blind you


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i hear ya i got a 32 lmao, but were playing at my buddys house, we play on 2 65 inch lcds lol, so we should be staright


Well-Known Member
some fucking 10 year old bastard has probably had that thing out at my blockbuster since it dropped

been callin daily to see if its been returned...GOW2 has to suffice for now


Well-Known Member
fuckin game is the best.

i am trying to find a group to play some tournies with.

go to gamebattles.com for teams


Active Member
The game is fucking SOLID. Love the fast paced zombie-shooting, blood-gushing, shit coming at you from everywhere! Played all campaigns with some friends and it was an absolute blast. Haven't played it yet when I'm baked but will try later for extra "OMFG WTF was that?!" effect.


The game is fucking SOLID. Love the fast paced zombie-shooting, blood-gushing, shit coming at you from everywhere! Played all campaigns with some friends and it was an absolute blast. Haven't played it yet when I'm baked but will try later for extra "OMFG WTF was that?!" effect.
turn that shit UP

when the volume is high and you got surround sound and your baked...

man sometimes i want to cower in a corner


Active Member
turn that shit UP

when the volume is high and you got surround sound and your baked...

man sometimes i want to cower in a corner
Don't have surround sound yet, but my 61" 1080P Samsung HDTV rocks hard when this game is on. I'm kinda hesitant though about doing it...what if I start freaking out and shit? Hahahah
I'm doing it tomorrow though for sure. Volume to the max.
Game on. :blsmoke: