Left untrimmed for weeks. Extremely dry.

Hi, I always come here to read up on any issues I'm having as well as to just read about how others grow. I just registered to this site and am looking forward to all I will learn. I am a vegetable farmer in NJ and have been growing bud for three seasons now.

I had an amazing year both with veggies and bud. I harvested my plants on October 20th and began to trim. It's just me and my girlfriend and I had quite a few outdoor plants so it was a lot to take on.

Anyway, our town was wrecked by Hurricane Sandy. Luckily we both were not hurt. However, three trees fell onto our house/barn. All of our cold storage crops were destroyed by flood water and the top soil in our field was washed away.

But the worst of it was the tree that fell on the room where I had everything hanging to dry. I managed to grab a lot of it after the tree fell and bring it in the cellar. However, I was forced to leave my home until two days ago.

First thing I did was run into the cellar. All of the bud was so dry. Crispy as hell. And what I already had in jars upstairs was missing as was my laptop and a small safe with keys/some money.

So I'm left with maybe a tenth of what I harvested and it turns to dust if touched. I am not sure what to do. I started putting it into jars without trimming and placing a moist paper towel with it.

My question is, have any of you let your bud get this dry? (hopefully under less shitty circumstances) If so, did you manage to fix it? How much potency do you think is lost?

Sorry for the lengthy post. I just need some advice and I just needed to get this off my chest.



Well-Known Member
i think if you put them in jars and put tortillas in it the moisture will go slowly back to the buds and be fine. replace the tortillas every so often. if you cant put em in jars and theyll crumble try a paper bag with a wholw pack of tortillas with the bag shut and the tortillas open. make sure theyre plain old tortillas too


Well-Known Member
man it sounds like you had it rough. But i dunno, with real dry stuff like that i'd consider turning it into a concentrate, bubble hash or oil


Well-Known Member
I have added orange leaves or citrus leaves to a jar or 2..

dont use food you will get mold....


New Member
Tortillas and Bread tend to be low in odor and therefore more beneficial than say Orange peels , some people use lettuce or fresh leaves to re-hydrate cannabis .. I think the moist paper towel will do the trick as well ... It will take time to get your bud back to being pliable but it will get there if your patient .. No guarantee on the flavor or smells ..
man it sounds like you had it rough. But i dunno, with real dry stuff like that i'd consider turning it into a concentrate, bubble hash or oil
I think I'm gonna do that with the vast majority of it. The bud I have in jars with wet paper towels is pretty decent and definitely trim-able. But tbh I'm just too busy and stressed currently to also worry about trimming much more.


while it will be dry and a little harsh theres really no way to reverse it but i dont think its goign to matter to much for you, it should be fine, just put a little moisture back into the buds and take care of them from here on out, im sorry to hear that sandy was so devastating for you and its even more messed up someone would go into your home and steal things, best of luck to you man


Well-Known Member
while it will be dry and a little harsh theres really no way to reverse it but i dont think its goign to matter to much for you, it should be fine, just put a little moisture back into the buds and take care of them from here on out, im sorry to hear that sandy was so devastating for you and its even more messed up someone would go into your home and steal things, best of luck to you man

good point.. another thing is add some fresher mmj to the older stuff...

or smoke a shit load of the old stuff and you wont really worry about it anymore :)


Well-Known Member
bread and lettuce have more pathogens from tortillas and ive never had problems using tortillas effecting smell/taste. just my input bro~!


Active Member
Yeah ive heard the tortilla thing i think that came from way out east in the stans. But usully if i over dry my shit i just take fresh leaves from another Plant or fresh buds to help even it out. You could also try steaming it. But honestley its no big deal if its really brittle dry still as potent as it will ever bee. But if you jar it up it might get a little more moist. But id stay away from putting any breads due to the risk of mold. But Gioua gave good advice with the orange leafs ive done that the problem is finding an orange tree unless you live way south but i have no clue if they loose there leaves in the winter or not.


Scientia Cannabis
You cannot cure the bud once the inner RH of the bud has sunk below 55%.
So you can't cure the bud now, therefore you'll lose quality.
But you can, as many people have already mentioned, re-hydrate the weed.

You will not get the best quality you could have if the situation didn't go to shit but you will possibly still be able to smoke the bud.
It's hard to tell without pictures, but give re-hydrating a try, just remember that it's too late to cure for you now.

az kid

Active Member
Rose pedals, a body did it to a pound of dry mersh (reggie, or the dirt weed) and it made the compressed chinks fluff out and become a little moist. Just a suggestion instead of food