Legal Age

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
Hey guys whats up.......

if marijuana was to be legalized in the United States,do you think people should be a certain age to smoke weed?

if so what age?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how much we should read into this:

"Stoned young rats fail memory tests

Researchers at the University of Sydney have found that adolescent rats are more vulnerable to adverse effects of cannabis than adult rats.

Professor Ian McGregor says rats' brains basically respond to drugs the same way as humans but they are easier to work with because they are not polydrug users.

He says his team gave the rats cannabis then took them off the drug for two weeks before testing their long-term memory.

"We found that the adolescents that had been given cannabis had impaired memory, relative to adolescent rats that hadn't had cannabis exposure," he said.

"Then when we compared them to adults we found there was very little memory deficits in the adults rats that had been given cannabis."

Professor McGregor says cannabis exposure also caused more permanant changes in a certain part of the adolescents' brains that was not really affected in the adults.

He says the grown-up rats avoided cannabis when they could but the young ones seemed to enjoy the new sensations and experience.

"In the wild, it's a time when rats have to leave their mother and father and will nest and go out and explore the environment and learn to fend for themselves," he said.

"There's a large amount of risk taking associated with that developmental stage."

But it would be nice to have some human studies done to see if a similar effect is shown in adolesent people... In the mean time we should err on the side of caution.


Well-Known Member
What age did u guys start? Seems like everyone started with 18. I was very bad at staying away from weed when I was a kid. I started when I was 13 and started smoking every day when I was 15, I have Insomnia and so when I smoked bud I could finally fall asleep. My life was so bad before I was introduced to weed. I admit that I'm addicted to it (mentally) but what are u gonna do, I mean I cant take sleeping pills every night. I love it so much, i dont know what I'd do without it.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I don't know how much we should read into this:

"Stoned young rats fail memory tests

Researchers at the University of Sydney have found that adolescent rats are more vulnerable to adverse effects of cannabis than adult rats.


But it would be nice to have some human studies done to see if a similar effect is shown in adolesent people... In the mean time we should err on the side of caution.
Personally, I would like to see the age adopted be the same as the legal age for alcohol and tobacco.... just in case. In Aus, that's 18. I wouldn't even mind if the legal age was raised to 21. Let kids learn to be adults for a few years without the influence of drugs and alcohol. The fact is that we don't really know what happens in the developing brain. Well, that's the way this mother feels...

... but I'm not stupid enough to think that it would work that way all the time. No matter what the age is, some kid will think the whole world hates him/her because they have to wait. There will always be some kid who wants to drink before they're 'allowed' to... and in all honesty, there will also be some kids will want to smoke before they're allowed to. :bigjoint: