legal bud?


Well-Known Member
hit the reply button once but it posted the same thread its not good? im just woundering how legal bud can be sold on the internet but its illegal to have/sell


Active Member
hit the reply button once but it posted the same thread its not good? im just woundering how legal bud can be sold on the internet but its illegal to have/sell
It's not marijuana. It has no drugs in it. It is legal to buy and possess.


Well-Known Member
SOme of them are a mixture of different herbs and plant matter. There is supposedly one that is called Spice, it is reported to have a synthetic version of tch in it. I have not tried it but i have read plenty of reports that say it is some pretty good stuff. In fact it was just banned in germany i few weeks ago. You can find it on the internet. If you get some let me know what you think because i would love to know.


stays relevant.
Of course its not real, unless you're asking if its really fake, then yes, which is why its really legal, it just wont get you really high ;) :lol: