legal bud


Active Member
does this legal bud stuff work? will i feel anything? i am on probation and need to smoke and wanna try this shit out.. but ive heard its very beat


Active Member
lol, that legal shit is pretty much a strong ciggerate tobacco. It will give u a small head change like if you take a huge drag from a Marlboro Red... if that. Otherwards its just kinda hinted with the "taste" of those famous strains.


Well-Known Member
i tried it like 2 years ago it tastes like paper and didnt do shit waste of money dont fuck with it


Well-Known Member
best bet is try "Spice Gold" how ever depends where you live and if its available. i've used this when i cant get anything else and it gets the job done.


Well-Known Member
You could also try "Skunk - a new breed of weed". Gets the job done very well imo. Taste like shit though :)

Weed Guy

Master Roller
I bought some of that shit last week from that site because it looked exactly like bud. Biggest waste of $80 in my life. Wish i had just bought some weed. Now i have 2 bags of this shit sitting in my cupboard. It looks like the flower from a cotton plant. I don't know the effects because I'm actually worried for my lungs. I was given the exact same advice as I'm giving you know, but as the saying goes "curiosity killed the cat", you will probably buy it anyway. If you do i suggest the hash....The bud i know from experience is crap.