Legal buds ??


Well-Known Member
Has any one ordered buds off there before ? or any weed selling site lol and if so do you get high like normal and or anything else about the legal weed sites i should know ?


I looked at a lot of video's online. You Tube has a couple of reviews. Most people say it smells and smokes(the taste) like potpourri. The only one that actually got people the high that your looking for is called 'spice'. It is really close to becoming illegal in most places if it's already not. It contains a chemical called HU-210 or something like that. Basically it reciprocates the feeling. The chemical is not on the ingredients list though. German labs found it during testing, then banned the product. It's basically an experimental drug. I wouldn't use it or most any of the other Internet products. Most of them are looking for onetime buyers cash at a high price, and the internet is the best way to do it. Stick to the Herb you know best, that's what I say.



Well-Known Member
Well the legal high "Spice" the whole line like Spice Gold contain a synthetic THC that is actually proven to be more potent then marijuana.


Active Member
you can get that shit at a head shop like OZ. or sassy's, or starshiprecords. you don't have to buy the shit online


Well it is in the process of becoming illegal. Here's a link y'all can read up on. Basically they tried smuggling in a marijuana (THC) 'equivalent'. Now they got caught. They also think it may have some health hazards. The HU-210 uses a similar structure as THC to mimic the effect. There are also about 3 other synthetic cannabinoids that various other government groups have found present in other 'Spice' products. But as far as legal buds go, I personally think it's a waste of good money. It's does not have the same 'high' as good old MJ, if any at all.

Here is a guy with his Youtube review on Legal Bud's, it's one of the only "positive" ones i've found that i feel was honest.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine works at a smoke shop and while he was on probation with random urine screens, he was smoking the Spice products. The Gold and the Diamond were the best. I was able to try some of his for free. First of all, it tastes like shit! If you like the taste of good weed, you will be disappointed. Do NOT smoke marijuana in your bowl until you clean it of the Spice residue, it's really nasty.
The high was decent. I only smoked a few hits but about 5-7 minutes later I had a decent buzz. It resembles a marijuana high, maybe mid grade but not dank. I don't know if smoking more would have increased the intensity as I had good pot at home and hated the taste of that shit so I didn't take any more.
Surprisingly, the high lasted quite some time, about 3-4 hours. I think that could be the saving grace of this stuff as it is more expensive than the real deal, but it does last a lot longer.
If I was going to be drug testing for a job or needed to stop smoking MJ for other reasons, I would consider buying this stuff, except they aren't selling it anymore but supposedly have a replacement product that is just as good. I can't remember what this new stuff is called but when I try it, I will give you all a smoke report.


Has any one ordered buds off there before ? or any weed selling site lol and if so do you get high like normal and or anything else about the legal weed sites i should know ?

salvia is the only thing i would recomend buying..

but even that.. i think its a waiste of money.


they sell spice at my headshop ima try it thi weekend and ee how it works...but its 50 a gram, they have salvia to...that trip is crazy scary..but fun


Well-Known Member
that legal bud is a scam, dont anyone buy it

a friend bought it and we mixed it with weed in a blunt. biggest waste of bud in my life