Legal card holder questions

The Count

Well-Known Member
Have a few questions on growing and renting in CO

1.) I am a card holder(well waiting on my approval) and am renting. Can my landlord still boot me if he finds me growing? There was nothing in the paperwork we signed but wasnt sure if since its still a federal crime if we could get the boot? He has said he'll give us 24hr notice if hes stopping by so I'm not too worried bc I have a plan if need be to get everything out(uhaul or some enclosed truck) but always nice to know. These people maintain 160 rental houses so I highly doubt this dudes just gonna stop by "to check up"... as long as we pay the bills on time and dont have any issues I dont see why he would just stop in.

2.) Doctor hooked me up with 15 plants/5 ounces... I know the laws say you can have 3 mature plants... couple questions here
a.) Do mothers count as "mature" plants or is it only whats in flower with actual bud?
b.) Since I have approval for 15... do I get any more mature plants or is it still 3?

3.) Has anyone heard of the police "following up" so to speak with growing card holders to make sure they are within the limit? I was planning on goin 10-12 flowering ladies and keeping 4-5 mothers. My wife is going to apply for her card so we are within the limit but obviously 10-12 flowering isnt within the 3. I assume if she gets her card she can have 3 and I can have 3 for a total of 6 mature?

Any other card holder growing info is also greatly appreciated... much rather be ready with a plan than growing in the dark... no pun intended haha


Well-Known Member
1. depends on your contract. if it's not mentioned.. then.. up to local laws. Federal law supersedes state. You grow=breaking federal law.

2. there is no "real" difintion of mature/immature.. IMO if flowering they MIGHT be able to say it's mature.. (local laws vary)
here it's 6/6 so..

3 we actually have a cannibis compliances officers.. not been looked into yet.. am a small personal user.. no criminal record not even a ticket.

I think WE all all some what a bit paranoid when it comes to the state laws /federal laws being so damn vague..

I see a president for this..

locally a guy got back his 15lbs of harvest.. I will never have that much.. I also keep my medical records on hand.


Well-Known Member
Don't sign a caregiver if you plan on growing, I know some people have sign one not realizing they just signed away their plant count. Also I don't know but some cities have a 12 plant limit but I don't know how this works with an edibles rec. You should post this in the colorado section. There's more than one person but some are doing huge outdoor grows. One guy claims to have a 48 plant count and also (strangely, they require the exact amount)his girlfriend has the same plant count on her card, odd) , they're turning this into another California by exploiting laws and def being cash croppers although none will admit.


Well-Known Member
*Any* rental unit will have rules and stipulations in the contract or posted rules in the main rental office concerning 'A Drug Free' zone. I have seen too many cases whereby renters thought they were golden only to get the boot and the landlord face fortiture of assets due to a drug bust...even small ones. If you rent a unit that is subsidized (section 8, welfare, etc...) the current standing is that no 'Illegal Drugs' or grows are allowed since it is still illegal on a federal level.

B.S. we all know it, but until some states like CO get it LEGALIZED across the board, many will have to put up with our lying, stealing government till THEY get booted!

You should check your rental agreement and have your lawyer review it for compliance, just to make sure.