Legal high that contains Cannabis


Well-Known Member
A scientific report released today has called for the legal high, 'Spice' to be banned as it contains synthesised thc. According to leading drug scientists the brand named 'Spice' contains the equivalent of Sativex, the prescription version of weed in a few countries. A ban by Xmas is imminenet according to Uk govt spokesman. So it would seem that some legal highs get you high!!! Never tried it and never will, 'Spice' contains over 100 chemical compounds many of which have never been seen before. The market is so massive that in Belieze (massive production center for most legal highs in the UK) many top scientists are being payed a fortune to stay one step ahead of the govt and are already about to release another version o 'Spice' that will have a totally different chemical makeup that wont be covered in any legislation.bongsmilie


Active Member
but if they change the make up it wouldnt be the same..... it's like processing it.. like how they do for drugs... weed is not a drug..... sooo they just need to say ok weed is beneficial so they can have a doc say what ur prob and the patient says i get headaches.. bad one and the doc says ok im PRESCRIBING u this is weed but this one will help with that its called(blank blank)..... and so on


Well-Known Member
but if they change the make up it wouldnt be the same..... it's like processing it.. like how they do for drugs... weed is not a drug..... sooo they just need to say ok weed is beneficial so they can have a doc say what ur prob and the patient says i get headaches.. bad one and the doc says ok im PRESCRIBING u this is weed but this one will help with that its called(blank blank)..... and so on
I know what you are saying, but if the synthetic thc equivalent has an added molecule that has no effect on the drugs ability to give the required buzz then it will still do its job and will be legal. In the early 90's MDMA was messed about with to create mda, mdea etc all of which were legal until recognised, a drug dealer loophole almost. It would appear that this is what has been happening with the legal high market in this case.

grow space

Well-Known Member
that shit was in my country pretty hot topic, it was on news and everything, and couple of days later it was panned here also:( it was like 50 buck or so for 3 grams.


Active Member
Ha so the people smoking the legal highs have had a form of THC the entire time?? hahahaha

Sr. Verde

Ha so the people smoking the legal highs have had a form of THC the entire time?? hahahaha

Yeah, I wonder if people were all like:

"Damn, I need to find a job but my piss has to be clean for it! Maybe I should just smoke Spice!"

"Your drug test has come back - You tested POSITIVE for THC."


i'm sorry; i cant buy it... I have smoked plenty of the spice, gold and platinum... neither of them gets you high like weed. they DO do exactly what you would expect if you are familiar with herbs though.... it is not thc though....


Well-Known Member
i'm sorry; i cant buy it... I have smoked plenty of the spice, gold and platinum... neither of them gets you high like weed. they DO do exactly what you would expect if you are familiar with herbs though.... it is not thc though....
The mode drug “Spice” sold as herb mixture contains an artificially manufactured chemical substance from the drug research of the company THC Farm according to a new study. In the examined samples of “Spice gold”, “Arctic synergy” and “Yukatan Fire” found to varying concentration the scientists the substance JWH-018 in more different and strongly. JWH-018 is a Cannabinoid manufactured on chemical way, which is taken up similarly to the Cannabispflanze contained active substance Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) by the Cannabinoid receptors in the brain. JWH-018 possesses a similar effect as THC, is however clearly stronger.:blsmoke:


The mode drug “Spice” sold as herb mixture contains an artificially manufactured chemical substance from the drug research of the company THC Farm according to a new study. In the examined samples of “Spice gold”, “Arctic synergy” and “Yukatan Fire” found to varying concentration the scientists the substance JWH-018 in more different and strongly. JWH-018 is a Cannabinoid manufactured on chemical way, which is taken up similarly to the Cannabispflanze contained active substance Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) by the Cannabinoid receptors in the brain. JWH-018 possesses a similar effect as THC, is however clearly stronger.:blsmoke:

alot of things are taken up similarly to THC... doesnt make it THC though