Legal Marijuana (Top Right Page?)


Active Member
Okay, right now I'm in a place where I can't really grow weed and want lots for cheep. And then I noticed on the top of the page in the little tab part (top right) it say's Legal Marijuana. So I clicked and went to that website and am curious before buying and have a question.

Does it give the same affect as pot?

I don't expect it to be the exact same, but am wondering if it gives off a semi similar effect. Would greatly appreciate it if anyone who has bought any or anything would post a reply helping me out.



Active Member
me n a mate where at a festival once n we ran out of weed :( we tryed legal stuff n it was S-H-I-T dont bother!! (we found a dealer in the end) :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah I have heard notihng but bad things about that stuff. Gives ya headaches and no high at all.

Dont waste your money mate