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for one he threw nothing or broke nothing his friends broke 2 windows and all other windowns in the house were broken this building has been unfineshed with no roof for 3 years and they wanna charge my friend with a felony and 15,000 worth of windows. the kid doing it(breaking the windows) is on probation and the probation kid ratted and said it was my buddy... now my friend has been stuck in eversince. with no bail and yes vandalism or whatever they would like 2 call it thatrs all it was 2 windows and then jail. and there honestly is nothing going on cops are fucks, nothing but a few windows they wanna charge 2 someone it seems like 2 me. the lady with the home is in prison and her daughter is pressing charges i'm sure 2 get the house re built on someone elses account,

No matter WHAT the condition of that building, be it brand new construction or derelict, and it doesn't matter if the owner is in prison, your bud had no right to break anything there, and at some level he HAD to know that it was wrong. And if he didn't break anything, he certainly had the choice to get the hell away from a bad situation.
If the powers that be are gonna charge him with a felony, we don't have the whole story, and unless you were there personally, neither do you. And this just reinforces the fact that your "buddies' will fuck you in a heartbeat when shit hits the fan.

It sounds to me like your friends may very well have broken "only a couple" of windows, but it's their dumb luck that the other windows were already broken as well, so when the cops got there, do you REALLY BELIEVE that the cops are gonna buy the fact that they only broke 2 or 3 when there were obviously more broken windows? It was their blind luck to get caught and sure thay will be charged with all the damage. $15,000 dollars will buy a shitload of windows.

You say it was "nothing but a few windows". Hmmmm....I wonder how you would feel if they were YOUR windows? Would you be so forgiving then? It's amazing how that little detail can change your whole outlook. I guarantee you'd be out for blood if it was YOUR property.
It's not like dude can say he made a "mistake". A mistake is forgetting to enter a check in your check book, then writing a check that will bounce. It happens. But write a check on a closed account, and you'd be hard pressed to prove you didn't know what you were doing. He knew that he and his friends did not own that bldg, and they HAD TO KNOW that breaking windows (or ANYTHING you don't own) is wrong, so that was a conscious choice to do something they knew was wrong. Your Bud should have left when he figured out what was happening.

If they REALLY DIDN'T know what they were doing was wrong, god help them, and everyone they come in contact with. If they are juveniles, the PARENTS can be held responsible as well.

You can get as mad at me as you'd like, it doesn't change the fact that your bud either did wrong, or didn't leave when he had the chance, thus becoming an accomplice when the cops got there. From what you describe, there is absolutely no way in hell that could be construed as any thing but a misdemeanor. If the cops are talking felony action, Neither of us has the whole "real" story