Legal questions ??


Active Member
I checked my state laws at norml, Illinois - NORML

I want to grow for personal use & do not want to cross the threshold going from misdemeanor to felony. Hopefully I'll never have legal problems relating to this but if I do I'd rather not have it ruin my life.

My state threshold for posession is 30 grams, & cultivation is 5 plants. My question involves these 2 rules working together. Lets say I have a cured stash of 7-15 grams, well within the misdemeanor limits & 4 plants growing in a continual harvest method so I can replenish my stash every few weeks. In addition some "wet" bud drying & curing. Obviously the weight of the cured bud, bud that is drying & total weight of the plants will be more than an ounce. Is this just another way for growers to get extra thoroughly screwed by the legal system? or are the stages of developement (plants, drying & cured bud) catagorized diferently?

If anyone knows how this works please help me understand.


Well-Known Member
depends on who busts you and how (in)competent they are. cops dont care about how much weight will be lost during the curing process, shit, they dont even care that you cant smoke the friggin roots.
my suggestion, remove all plastic baggies from your house and all scales. even your bathroom scale.
do not tell anyone about your grow.
even if your friends come over and you blaze them out or whatever...tell them you have this great connect in chicago or something.


Well-Known Member
does illinois have MMS? or mandatory minimum sentences? if so, dont mess around or you will see jailtime if your caught. even if you have an excellent lawyer and the judge thinks your a stand-up citizen.


Well-Known Member
ok, so according to norml you dont have to worrry about mms. take my advice on baggies and scales. they will go into your bathroom and kitchen looking for "intent to sell" items.
ok, so according to norml you dont have to worrry about mms. take my advice on baggies and scales. they will go into your bathroom and kitchen looking for "intent to sell" items.
damn that's fucked up i glad i herd tha i got a million and one baggies and my old diggy in a kitchen drawer, i'm fucked if they come in!!!!