New Member
Say you own you're own double wide, you bought it for around 40k.. could you grow in it? I mean since it's you're property and you can do whatever you want on it? or what's the law around that.
Just declare yourself and your property a sovereign nation.
Then you can do what ever you want because you are the king.
Until the police show up.
Yes. But only if you bury it first and the cops don't know about it.
I would suggest a train/boxcar. They hold up a lot better when the dirt gets loaded on top.
If your question is regarding the legality of growing if your manufactured home is in a park you could check with the manager if your legal. Or if your not legal just keep your mouth shut and your plants inside. In thinking about it even if you are legal I wouldn't bring upthe issue to the pqark manager. I live in a double wide manufactured home in a park and I'm a legal grower but I haven't nor doI intend to say anything to the management. Unlike an apartment the manager has no right to enter your home.