legality for donation of mmj


Hi all,

I've been researching and can not answer this question. What is the statues of accepting donations for medical marijuana? is it illegal to accept any amount of donation for mmj?

I've seen many ads stating it is legal to accept donations for mmj as long as the donator and the person giving the donation have medical cards.

I've searched and asked around but no one can give me an answer. Maybe someone here can?

Thanks for everything!!!


New Member
i would assume its illegal,since u have to have a docs recommendation
and the donators r not doctors that can give said recommendations
is it illegal to trade or donate prescription pills?


Well-Known Member
it's a little different than prescription pills. because you can get prescription cocaine, codeine, amphetamines, which fall under class B. and there's no real enforceable law on trading prescription drugs, most of the time the charges involve something like "Reckless Endangerment" if you're an ordinary person or some other bullshit ethics charge against the doctor (slap on the wrist).....

but if you have an MMJ card it's 100% legal to give a friend with an MMJ some weed for free. it's even legal for you to charge "reasonable remmuneration" in some states. if you're planning to donate a large amount of weed to a foundation, think again, this type of move might attract media (and therefore LEO's) attention.

if you're concerned with whether it's legal to give another MMJ patient weed, yes. if it's not another MMJ patient, no.


Hey man, basically there is no stated law as of right now besides the actual "sale" of marijuana.

The donation fees are mainly for the transportation and services to provide it but if both are registered patients, there really is no law as long as you're not "selling" as a "product." You're not allowed to profit from the sales.


Just noticed you're in WA...I'm in CA so the laws may be a bit different, but I'm pretty sure they're close.

Hope that helps though.


Thank you everyone for this! It
made me sleep at ease knowing this. I was worried that I could get in trouble for giving weed to friends. Also knowing you can get prescription cocaine is good to know!!

Can anyone confirm the WA state laws?


Well-Known Member
in michigan its very legal. how can you not find the info anywhere? read your state laws.

(e) A registered primary caregiver may receive compensation for costs associated with assisting a registered qualifying patient in the medical use of marihuana. Any such compensation shall not constitute the sale of controlled substances