Legality of outdoor growing...


Well-Known Member
So I am wondering if anyone has heard anything more about this. I have heard from several sources that in communities outside the capitol, if you are doing an outdoor grow in a locked protected facility that the local law will look the other way if you are a licensed medical patient growing your plants outdoor for personal use.


Well-Known Member
i heard a judge ruled (not sure where) that regardless how you lock it up, if its an outdoor grow its illegal.

i know one guy from these boards who is medical and he got his outdoor plants taken away. i dont know all the details to that.


Well-Known Member
Ya I'm sure it will go by a case by case basis too, basically if the are prudes, they be dicks, if they are cool they prob let it slide.


Well-Known Member
im not sure but i think that the ruling was for a whole county. i think it was up north though.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of several stories going both ways. I was just wondering if there was any validity to any of them.


Well-Known Member
i know of a few large scale outdoor grows going on right now

they are in greenhouses and locked facilities but they are all glass and outside and permanent structures

This is a big "compassion club" so im sure if they can get away with it for the past 8 months... it must not be totally illegal since its outside...


New Member
the intention of the law according to mdch and the woman who wrote the law is that we are allowed to grow outside if its locked up with a ceiling and 4 walls. However, one judge has ruled against a man doing just that while other similar cases have been dropped in other parts of the state. If you get caught growing outside you will need some luck on your side or a good lawyer.

my 2 cents - if your going to grow outside you might as well use traditional Guriella tactics because your a lot less likely to get caught vs trying to do a legal operation.


Well-Known Member
If it's locked and secured and you use your common sense you should not have a problem. If you feel you were in the "right" and got in some sort of trouble. Hit em with a law suite.

The law says you can so you can, just make damn sure you follow the law to a T.


Any new news on this. I have med card in michigan and green house can i put up a privacy fence and line the greenhouse with chain link then put my plastic on white wash it lightly ? I think this would be as out of sight and sucure as one could ask . I know it would be as secure as anyones house. Also plan to have 16 channel dvr security system that notifies you on your phone of movemeant. Now to me that is as sucure as one could ask for.


Active Member
I was thinking of doing the make shift greenhouse in a locked fenced in area also, but I won't unless I find out more about it. I have a out building on my property I was going to convert into a greenhouse too, which would probably be safe since it has walls and can be locked and all that. Just don't wanna be taunting the law~