legalization in florida


Active Member
14 states now have decriminalized weed when do you think florida will decriminalize it and how long before its legal and in stores like cigaretts and acohol


Well-Known Member
well 2010 in florida it will be decriminalized for medical studies. when california legalizes it 100% then there will be a trend of other states following suit. so when its legal somewhere else it will quickly become legal everywhere


Well-Known Member
In 1969 I started smoking weed. I remember thinking it would only be a few years and it will be legalized. That was 40 years ago!!!! LOL


Active Member
well 2010 in florida it will be decriminalized for medical studies. when california legalizes it 100% then there will be a trend of other states following suit. so when its legal somewhere else it will quickly become legal everywhere
man i fuckin hope so...