Legalization momentum in light of Gov. shutdown


Well-Known Member
So when it comes to legalization, the biggest obstacle is still the federal laws against it. Starting Jan 1, anyone will be able to walk into a Colorado Cannabis venue and purchase some of the finest green. The one looming obstacle is the federal government.. Thankfully the DOJ has said they won't prosecute anyone following the state laws in CO, and they sure as hell don't have the manpower to enforce personal consumption (statewide) with federal cops.

Now an interesting twist I see developing is the overall outrage at the federal government at this exact moment in time. American's saw their brave WWII veterans being harassed, facing arrest for visiting the very monument built in their honor! The backlash has been swift and severe, people are waking up and realizing the feds do nothing except make our lives difficult, and treat us like slaves.

Obama has had a pretty poor term, and only getting worse. He has lost almost all credibility and is now seen as the cause for all these problems. So he can continue down this road, as more people with torches gather at the white house fences. Federal legalization might be a hidden wildcard as a source of funding for this new healthcare plan. It would also boost his poll numbers, Mr. (I inhaled frequently, that was the point). OR any smart Republican would jump on this issue for the upcoming 2016 election. At that point (in 2016) Colorado and Washington will have been completely legal for almost 3 years. I believe the feds are taking a (wait and see) policy to determine how this little experiment plays out. If it turns out to be a huge money maker, with low problems, they can't afford to NOT legalize it.