Legalize it i'll pay the taxes


Well-Known Member
Dude that was genius!!!
Lmao he must be smoking back yard boogie at 30 1/4 and to the one guy thats saying he don't want it legal you are the reason I feel like I do I know alot of people that if it was legal I could make money off of if thats why your saying no cause for all the people that know how to grow or that want to grow there are probally 5 that don't or won't or whatever so don't let greed stop you from seeing the big picture


Well-Known Member
yea Id make money off seeds.You figure I could get $40 or $50 for 10 seeds.That sounds better than selling weed to me.


Well-Known Member
why is there always the assumption that it would be mandated or controlled by government if legalized. We are the people that put these fucks in office and are the people that can take them out. Somewhere along the line Americans got scared of the government and they should be fearing us. I say VOTE!!!!! call and complain to your local alderman, congressman, governor, mayor. let them know that they will no longer get your vote unless they change their stance on marijuana. Encourage others to do the same as well.

We have put ourselves in this situation and are capable to get ourselves out. Laws should be state controlled !!!

i will leave with a quote from the Gettysburg Address by Pres. Abraham Lincoln

"that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."


Well-Known Member
why is there always the assumption that it would be mandated or controlled by government if legalized. We are the people that put these fucks in office and are the people that can take them out. Somewhere along the line Americans got scared of the government and they should be fearing us. I say VOTE!!!!! call and complain to your local alderman, congressman, governor, mayor. let them know that they will no longer get your vote unless they change their stance on marijuana. Encourage others to do the same as well.

We have put ourselves in this situation and are capable to get ourselves out. Laws should be state controlled !!!

i will leave with a quote from the Gettysburg Address by Pres. Abraham Lincoln

"that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
I feel ya kaosowner bravo thats real talk


Active Member
1. I am not an American citizen therefor I seem to share no patriotic connection with the way your government works or your country. (although i do like America)

The government is of the people, the citizens of America, by the people, voted by the citizens of America, for the people... you guessed it for the CITIZENS of America!

Just because you call up your local governing leader you will not automatically mean that you will be smoking sweet MJ in a few years time. Be realistic man.

People have been arguing this case for years. (anyone with a grow I would suggest not being involved in a petition to government bodies as this would have you appear on the radar so to speak).

Do you really think that if the government were to legalise the production of marijuana that they would just say 'hey man no problem. Grow it, make it look more pottent by spraying a deadly chemical on it and we have a deal.'

The reason homegrown is so good is because you are taking care of the plant, giving it everything it needs and not pumping it full of shite!

Think of the way wheat is treated... Birds crap on it, insects crawling all over it... sprayed with pesticides right... washed away by the rain and then taken to process... to be honest what will they do with the MJ. Spray it with pesticides... if the government didnt intervene maybe youd be smoking something deadly then again you probably still will.

To think that the government would have no say in the production of something they have 1 disagreed with for years and 2 that if done semi-right (as most governments look for the half arsed approach) will bring them lots of money.

Thats all the government sees the public as... not the people but its customers trust me i work for brittish gov!

Nobody is scared of the Government I just find it unlikely that you will be able to potition over half of every voter that voted every congressman etc into power to say... Hey give us some weed.

Dude ur sitting with a group of dogs. Unfortunately your just barking up the wrong tree.

Or the right one depends on how you would like to look at it.

Peace :bigjoint:


Active Member
weed will be legalized 1 day..
there can be disadvantages like we will not be in controll therefore wouldnt it all be sprayed or full of shit to make them more money...????
but i dont see why they burn the plants they do find.. u would get a 100x more paper from a marijuana plant than you would a tree FACT!!!
and loads of ppl die from tobacco, drink, and about 300 ppl die a year from PRESCRIBED DRUGS!...BUT NONE FROM MARIJUANA!!
i dun sed it.....


Well-Known Member
weed will be legalized 1 day..
there can be disadvantages like we will not be in controll therefore wouldnt it all be sprayed or full of shit to make them more money...????
but i dont see why they burn the plants they do find.. u would get a 100x more paper from a marijuana plant than you would a tree FACT!!!
and loads of ppl die from tobacco, drink, and about 300 ppl die a year from PRESCRIBED DRUGS!...BUT NONE FROM MARIJUANA!!
i dun sed it.....
This is for the people that are like me work everyday pay your taxes not trying to be a drug dealer but just want to just like if I went to a doctor can get a pill to help me deal with living in america that is man made and if you take too much you can kill yourself. Like to smoke some green to help you get by. Shit I did'nt think I would see this country in my life time have a black man as president really I'm from the south and have seen alot of people that was rednecks and now go ride in the same spots 20years later and they are now little wayne and it all has showed me that yes if the people can come together and make a blackman not because he was black because he was the right man for the job lead us in these bad times then we can come together and free the weed. And I know you narcs and police are on here and everywhere with your bullshit and what you belive in and to each it's own but I was just wondering if I was the only one who felt this way or if there was others that feel the same way and thats it and about being dogs or whatever you sound like police to me anyway and yes I feel that it will happend one day soon if we come together Obama shows that change has and will and is going to come no matter if you haters want it to or not so put that in your pipe and smoke it bitches FREE THE WEED !!!!!!:peace:


Active Member
I think the need to legalize it for anyone that wants to wake and bake. I saw a picture of obama smoking what appeared to be a joint eventhough his friend qouted it was only tobbaco. I don't think I should have to be afraid of growing something god placed on this earth a long long time ago. Its on this planet for a reason and that is too get high.


Well-Known Member
I think the need to legalize it for anyone that wants to wake and bake. I saw a picture of obama smoking what appeared to be a joint eventhough his friend qouted it was only tobbaco. I don't think I should have to be afraid of growing something god placed on this earth a long long time ago. Its on this planet for a reason and that is too get high.
you know thats right free the weed!!!!


Well-Known Member
in CA ITS supposed to be a nonprofit donation when buying herb so even though we can buy it legally we still arent paying taxes. but i would for shore pay taxes if it was legal coast to coast. but why would i pay taxes if i grew my own :) :peace: