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Active Member
so i make a HUGE dent, my garden not the slightest?

i call BS.
i thought the ":p" would have illustrated my snarkiness.

my overall point is that the positive impact that gardening has on global co2 levels is about as significant as the negative of burning said gardening products: ever so slightly above zero.


stays relevant.
yes you are, however to believe that a trend in growing cannabis will impact global warming in even the slightest is pure delusion.
Do you honestly think marijuana being legalized is going to create problems for our environment? :roll:


Active Member
Do you honestly think marijuana being legalized is going to create problems for our environment? :roll:
hold on, i need to go spit out all these words that people keep putting in my mouth :p

i am simply saying that the total DIRECT impact of growing cannibis on our environment (in terms of taking in c02) will be...well....nothing really.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
hold on, i need to go spit out all these words that people keep putting in my mouth :p

i am simply saying that the total DIRECT impact of growing cannibis on our environment (in terms of taking in c02) will be...well....nothing really.
Unless we start talking about hemp here... then we can get into some environmental chats. :roll:


Active Member
Unless we start talking about hemp here... then we can get into some environmental chats. :roll:

even so, the direct effect on the environment would be minimal if anything. now the indirect effect is a whole other issue. for instance using industrial hemp to replace trees as a paper source=less deforestation=less negative impact. things of this nature.