Legally Obtaining Seeds in Michigan

I saw that Michigan legalized recreational growing and use recently, so a while ago I looked up a bunch of the dispensaries in the lower peninsula to see if they sold seeds and none of the ones I looked at seemed to sell seeds.

Based on what I've found, the only place claiming to sell seeds at a brick-and-mortar establishment in Michigan is this place:

It seems odd to me that there only appears to be a single place selling seeds in the whole state considering the state voted to legalize growing here a couple years ago.

Why are there not more places selling seeds in a state where growing is legal? Is the government restricting the number of places that can sell seeds or something?

It seems kinda stupid because the Seed Cellar is really far away from a lot of people in this state (Traverse City, Saginaw, Mackinaw City, basically everyone in northern Michigan or the Upper Peninsula, etc...).

I know people on this forum often say to just get them from an online seed bank; but given they aren't required to do this with any other type of seed, it seems reasonable to ask these questions anyway.
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Many commercial breeders are probably not selling their stock or supply only to whole sellers would be my guess. Commercial lic their is around 10k I believe. I’m surprised the dispensary or grow shops not selling seeds. They do in Holland and Spain. It was 3 almost 4 years ago when Michigan became legal. Make sure don’t grow more than 12 plants and public can’t see them. Personally if I could do 12 leagally I wouldn’t be worried about seeds and just having a mother and 11 little clonies going on. If wanted diff strains then just order a few off line
Make sure check with county or town laws as well. Cousin in California can’t do in yucca valley but can go to Palm Springs and their like McDonald’s, kfc, Taco Bell on every corner
You already mentioned Seed Cellar in Jackson. Great Lakes Genetics is also in Michigan and ships quickly and discretely, but no storefront. There are quite a few smoke and CBD shops that sell seeds too but it’s mostly Crop King/Rocket Seeds stuff that most people would suggest avoiding.
As far as why there aren’t more, it’s still a very young market and things are still shaking out post-prohibition.
It is WAY easier and way less of a risk to get seeds now than it was in the bad old days. I get wanting to walk into a store near your house and plop down cash, but that isn’t where the market is at here yet.
But, we can order pretty much whatever we want both from Michigan based banks and from sellers in other rec legal states - both banks and directly from breeders.
Have any of you ordered from Seed Cellar?
Every time I go onto their website, it says their paypal is down & a 3 hour drive one way is a lil much for me.
Check your local hydro shop :). And technically seeds have been a go since the feds passed the hemp act or whatever a few years a ago since seeds carry no thc the are basically the same as the grocery selling hemp seed for food
Honestly easiest way is through a seed bank. If your hesitant to use cash do a small order and send it priority or certified mail. Or money order. Just gotta do it a few times and you’ll see it’s easy and painless.What area of the mitten you in?

Lots of seed breeders in MI. Pretty sure OGKushman just moved to UP or Atleast in Northern MI.

Definitely hook ups in Flint, Detroit, Ann Arbor,Grand Rapids. Just gotta start networking a little. I don’t know as much about the northern michigan market but there have to be places to get them if you ask around.

If your hesitant wait for the trade show HTCC at MIS in Clio this summer and there will be plenty of vendors begging for your money for seeds. All you can handle.
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If your hesitant wait for the trade show HTCC at MIS in Clio this summer and there will be plenty of vendors begging for your money for seeds. All you can handle.

I'm in western MI. The city Clio is more or less the opposite side of the state... about the same distance from me as the Seed Cellar. Thanks for the suggestion anyway... it's probably useful for people from eastern MI. I only mentioned the north to point out how far the Seed Cellar is from a lot of people in the state, and how it's weird there aren't more stores selling seeds despite weed legalization being passed.
I'm in western MI. The city Clio is more or less the opposite side of the state... about the same distance from me as the Seed Cellar. Thanks for the suggestion anyway... it's probably useful for people from eastern MI. I only mentioned the north to point out how far the Seed Cellar is from a lot of people in the state, and how it's weird there aren't more stores selling seeds despite weed legalization being passed.

If your near GR go to a dispensary and chat with people, buy some stuff and ask.People will steer you in the right direction.
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