"Legends of the Burning Bush...." Is this Too Bushy? 45 days old Sour-D


Well-Known Member
So here's the plant in Question20210315_063414.jpg

My Girl was put in soil from seed around Feb 1st.. Check out my grow Journal in my Signature....it's my 1st one and let's just say I made a lot of mistakes I'm learning from. She was the first one I put in soil as my control, I started a garden with the intention of growing 4 plants hydro and just getting the soil one to make sure I'm doing the hydro right...kinda compare and contrast the plants so diagnose problems with the hydro. TL;DR I drowned the hydro plants by keeping the water level too high so eventually putting all my girls in dirt with just one hydro to learn (I bought all that equipment I hated to waste) anyways..I bent and topped, and fimm'ed that plant every day in an effort to keep my canopy the same size ultimately ending up with this monster....IS IT TOO BUSHY?

She isn't my only bushy girl...but the rest are bushy because I fimm'ed sick plants and then nursed them to health...but Let me know what you think...Light and airflow won't be a problem...I got 400w actual draw LED's for a 8 sq ft...plus its own AC unit and exhaust fans..
I'm using Fox Farm OF with light 400PPM feedings after a month on 2 food and one with ph water and silicon.