sup soda man.. got mine from the gypsy,.. yeh he definetley has a shadowy rep, but i urge u to have another go on my positive experiences alone,.. i havnt had a problem yet,.. even with a mix-up on my LUI's, they only sent 1 pack,..they remedied and sent me my other pack, another 2 packs of freebies, and a funny handwritten stoner sorry,..
As i understand it, the stuff sent directly from Legends didnt/rarely come in breeder packs, including DJ's gear too,.. but wen it bought from distributors it has breeder packaging..
Im not in the position to comment on the problems of old in depth, although im aware of it,.. i wasnt growing back then, i was still a kid, under 18,.. but im quick as a whip,,.. and if these arent LUI's (and ill be counting on ur help) then fuck, time will tell,.. atm tho i lose no sleep, im very positive,...
As for the C99 homie, that IS the hype strain of right now!
From Dutchgrown, shes got
C99xLUI (brainfreeze)
LUI13no cindy in it, but LUI is
C99xblue sattelite from SOL,.. (dj's legendary BB dad)
mosca negra has a buch of cindy crosses right now, and i think his breeding cindy stud is a cross of bro grimms and reefermans, so u get everything it has to offer,..
moscas releases are C99 bx1 (back crossed once to itself)
C99 F1
C99xArtaca trainwreck
C99xDoubledutch.. plus more man, cant remember..
ok im not a sales rep for the gyp! thats enough about that shit lol, but theres a bunch more C99 stuff, have a look..
And i didnt want to mention this in my previous post as not to confuse wot i was trying to say.. but u can actually see how many packs of a particular strain are left to buy by putting them into ur shopping trolly until it says 'out of stock'.. for instance u can type in buy 12 acks, but if u were to type in 13 packs and there was only 12 it says out of stock..
so the LUI obviously dropped 2 packs wen i bought mine,.. then like a week later it went back UP to like 12 packs,.. this pisses ppl off, kinda like baiting u to think a particular starin is running out wen it isnt,.. anyways, i put this down to a couple things,.. 1. wen ppl put things in their trolly they can just leave them there, it takes them 'off the shelf' without them actually paying for them, so occasionally they do an inventory and go through and replce unpaid for packs back to the shelf 2. maybe they found a few more packs laying around,..
anyhow, these are the type of shady practces that make the seed biz such a shit trap for us folks..
But like i said, we can defintley tell if these are LUI's soon enough,... which u cant do with all strains,..can attribute that to top breeding on breeder steves part