Leggy seedlings: What to do with them?

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
What is the best thing to do when seedlings become "leggy"? I have a couple that are a five days old whose stems are five-six inches long. They are that way because I had them too far away from the light source (I know, i'm a complete noob).

Keep 'em, or toss 'em? Should I wrap them around a bamboo spike?



Active Member
If they look healthy, I would keep them and put them closer to your light source from here on out. Learn from your mistake and keep it growing if it's healthy. Good luck.

Brick Top

New Member
If your lighting is sufficient what they now need is air movement. Increased air movement around/through your seedlings will strengthen the stems. The lateral movement will cause increased stem growth, as in thickness/strength, just like wind causes trees too grow stronger and thicker trunks. If they are to weak to stand up with a small fan blowing on them or over them or around them you can stake them up but you need to leave some room for movement, for them to sway. When they grow enough you can top them and that will further increase the lower stem size/strength so they can later stand up to the weight of the buds.

If you top them, which I often do, check out Uncle Ben's topping technique in the advanced growing forum.


Active Member
I concur with Brick Top up there, air movement will help that out and keep them from falling over once they start packing on the pounds! And you know how we all love those fat bitches! MMM fat girls!

Brick Top

New Member
if u plan on repotting them bury up 2 like an inch from the first set of leaves

That can be done now rather than waiting and if there is room in the pots for more soil, more soil can be added. New roots will push out from what is now thin weak stem and with increased lighting and air movement the above soil portion of stem will grow thicker. They can be buried deeper than mentioned. A half inch of existing stem left above the soil would be enough.

It is a viable option. It is simple to move seedlings without damage due to how small the root structure is. It will not be very wide but it can be slightly deep so as long as you scoop out a narrow but somewhat deep bit of soil the plants will hardly know they were moved, if they notice it at all. Adding soil, if there is room, is simpler and even safer though.

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies! It's good to know this forum is alive and well :)

I will repot them soon, so I guess they will be no worse for the wear. I will post a journal of this grow soon - I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can about this beautiful, medicinal plant!