Well-Known Member
no it was his own fault he kept wanting to take 3 vacations a year ....he had ppl willing to pay 400 to 600 a oz of good crystallized weed when i left i made it known in the circles of ppl i dealt with not to trust him willing to do this to family would do u too .....i heard he contacted a few of the ppl asking for half lbs they refused ...leaving one other person that might be able to do it and wade knew he was a greedy willing to turn mother fucker andy .....he dealt with him and odds are andy made the watch list again and kept doing it .....he dealt in alot of things so would be a high target....wade dealt in coke pills and weed .....(when i was supplying him he only had weed he did between half to 2 lbs a month with me) so wade got greedy and went back to him .......for years i been telling him not mix the money (if u pay for anything with illegal made money ...house bills car bills ...it can be taken in seizure laws state and federal lvl ) ....hell for years in maryland if the car was titled to u and pulled over with weed or any kind of drug the car was taken by the cops ....seized and with those laws it is guilty strait off u have to prove innocent/ clean moneyPoor Wade.
You think somebody set him up?
means i have to wait longer
Wait for past compensation or future gratification?
no i have a promise to keep just leave it at that