Lemon Diesel


Active Member
just got 1g of it anyone tried it before. Also wondering how many hits of this will it take to become blazed with it be enough for 4 ppl or shud i get more.


Well-Known Member
buy some less expensive, yet quality, weed and mix it. 1g isn't enough for 4 ppl man...are the other people unusally small or really young?....I wonder if size of a person actually makes a difference on tolerance when it comes to smoking herb....

you could sell it for more and get more of a lesser quality / different strain, but equally potent.


Active Member
1G for 4 people?! Definitely not enough imo as well.
1g is good for 2 people. I get buzzed a bit with half a g. My friend almost passes out with the same equivalent lol.
Haven't tried lemo diesel yet, but had some delicious lemon skunk last week. Smoked so clean and I could kinda taste the citrus.


Well-Known Member
I almost bought a 1/4 oz of that lastnight.. but when i got to the dudes house he was out of it. i was kinda pissed so he gave me a deal on some other shit.... im still pretty pissed haha.

OPZ :leaf: