Lemon G?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd be VERY reluctant to meet someone, especially someone with only 4 posts.

I'd like to think the federal goverment has more important things to do than spend our tax dollars having government employees trolling around international marijuana forums :roll:

There's a link to my albums in my sig, check out my glass, if you recognize my collection... Then maybe you know me. I doubt it though.:mrgreen:

forty six & 2

Active Member
Yeah, I'd be VERY reluctant to meet someone, especially someone with only 4 posts.

I'd like to think the federal goverment has more important things to do than spend our tax dollars having government employees trolling around international marijuana forums :roll:

There's a link to my albums in my sig, check out my glass, if you recognize my collection... Then maybe you know me. I doubt it though.:mrgreen:

I'd like to hope they have more important things to do as well, but one never knows. Amazing piece collection man! If you have a black car and happened to get one of those bongs at a store in FL, then I probably know you. I doubt it too though. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeah there is no way at all I would meet someone right off the bat with a clone or bag to sell maybe match a bowl with and hang out a bit but if you were to meet someone and immediatley they had a clone that smell like bacon to me lol We need to set up some underground ohio hippie hut lol grow smoke smoke a little more grow a little more My god listen to me I am to blazed again lol Love this stuff
I got to ask has anyone tried g13haze or whiteberry I have a couple ladies going and just wondering on nutes and heigth I know what site said but sites arent always right. I never start higher than 20% though going soil this round


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I could hook up some clones, but I am way too paranoid for that. If I knew you guys (or knew that I knew you in Howards case :lol:), then it would be different. I'm all about sharing, but an online forum? Does anybody actually do that? :shock:

I would be shocked. DEA, cops, etc. have to lurk these forums and post just like other people. Or am I just being paranoid? I have no idea why I'd be paranoid right now. :eyesmoke:

I hear you! I would be EXTREMELY leary of meeting someone that I just talk to on a forum.


Active Member
Yeah there is no way at all I would meet someone right off the bat with a clone or bag to sell maybe match a bowl with and hang out a bit but if you were to meet someone and immediatley they had a clone that smell like bacon to me lol We need to set up some underground ohio hippie hut lol grow smoke smoke a little more grow a little more My god listen to me I am to blazed again lol Love this stuff
I got to ask has anyone tried g13haze or whiteberry I have a couple ladies going and just wondering on nutes and heigth I know what site said but sites arent always right. I never start higher than 20% though going soil this round

LOL underground ohio hippie hut. that's funny :lol:

I am very interested in g13 haze as well. That's one of my finalists for strains I'm going to get into. How is it looking so far? Is it Barneys?


Well-Known Member
howard this is the supposed orange crush seems very indica dom but now flowering leaves getting skinnier Only 1 1/2 weeks into flower


Active Member
I stated it's genetics earlier...

It's a clone only strain originating from Columbian bagseed...

The closest strain in seed form is Reeferman's Love Potion #1...

It's an Ohio strain...

So really, this is a Ohio thread...

Representing Ohio since 1982.

Well, I guess this is also a Western North Carolina strain as well now as our growers have secured the real Lemon G, Trainwreck (Renamed "Deathstar" here cos' it will destroy your planet!), Sour Diesel, and Strawberry Cough (my current fav. along with SweetTooth) from Athens, Ohio.
You are right - it is clone only and any seeds are simply made from stray outdoor pollen and therefore unstable.
It is awesome and extremely stinky, and can be grown very tight. If not grown well it tends to get fluffy.
You helped out by divulging it's South American race strain origins. It likes it hot (85F), not too humid, lots of light CO2(up to 1900!!!) and rich organic nutes to make it tighten up.
Hit it with some purple maxx starting at 30 days and at 40 add gravity to force crown and make it dense and not fluffy.
(from what I hear)
Glad to know this strain is around here!


Active Member
Yeah, I'm not a Mr. Mom anymoren so no 1000s of clones... I was supporting 8 gardens with clones, and a few I didn't know about...

Beaster is commercially grown seedless bud that is trimmed and bagged without the proper drying in order to gain weight with moisture, hence mold growth. BC bud, and dro, are common names for that crap.

As far as keeping it short, impossible, I supercropped and did a foliar spray of B vitamins to try to reduce stretch, there was a little difference, but it still stretched like crazy.
"Gravity" works great for stretch. But read the label, they are serious about only using it in the last 4 weeks and cutting nutes in half and raising lights 6" to 12" !!!! The say it's organic but no ingredient list. Purple Maxx works great for frosting up plants fast! Aids in anthrocyanin production for strains that make a bunch of it and will add purple hues without need for COLD nights.


Well-Known Member
There's a whole thread about Gravity Flower Hardener, I voiced my opinion in there.

It's not organic and full of heavy metals like iron. It's made to increase bud weight because cannabis is great at removing absorbing and removing metals from the soil.

I've tried it on a few, and noticed that it burned shitty in a bowl, leaving a black coal.

I don't recommend it for your personal stash, but if you're looking for max weight and profit, go for it... I guess.

Gravity was the High Times product of the year a few years back, that made a bunch of people study it, and find out more about what's in it.

There was a big follow up article in a later issue clearing up the Gravity craze.

Sometimes I wonder how much it costs to buy High Time's credibility, I'm sick and tired of the hundred fake weed ads, all the bullshit products, and the crappy centerfolds. I haven't bought a High Times in over a year, I was a collector for a long time... Except when they stopped talking about weed a couple years ago... Forget what that was about... Oh well. </rant>


Well-Known Member
cannanabis culture is alot better, i like ole ED Rosenthal, thats where i learned from his books, but since marc emery got busted i just go online for reading . i got my seeds from ole marc for a few years, he sure could get you some wicked ass shit no one else could get. but i guess if your going to be a big marijuana activist better not have a garden goin at home,huh,lol.:evil:


Active Member
There's a whole thread about Gravity Flower Hardener, I voiced my opinion in there.

It's not organic and full of heavy metals like iron. It's made to increase bud weight because cannabis is great at removing absorbing and removing metals from the soil.

I've tried it on a few, and noticed that it burned shitty in a bowl, leaving a black coal.

I don't recommend it for your personal stash, but if you're looking for max weight and profit, go for it... I guess.

Gravity was the High Times product of the year a few years back, that made a bunch of people study it, and find out more about what's in it.

There was a big follow up article in a later issue clearing up the Gravity craze.

Sometimes I wonder how much it costs to buy High Time's credibility, I'm sick and tired of the hundred fake weed ads, all the bullshit products, and the crappy centerfolds. I haven't bought a High Times in over a year, I was a collector for a long time... Except when they stopped talking about weed a couple years ago... Forget what that was about... Oh well. </rant>

Well.... Iron is not that bad. It's the other stuff (selenium, arsenic, mercury, flouride) that is found in cheap nutes that I worry about. I am glad you told me about this!!!!! I will not use it for personal or otherwise and am going to flush the heck out of the few I was experimenting with.
If it is just iron that's not too bad. Want to do an interesting experiment with Iron? Grind up some "Total" cereal in the blender then put it on paper, run a strong magnet under the paper and watch the iron fillings come out of the powder! I guess eating and smoking iron are 2 different things though.....

Thanks for the tips ya'll!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I knew that about Total cereal... How else would they get all that shit in one bowl:mrgreen:

It's not just iron, there are other trace metals in it, I believe mercury might be one... I'm sure you can find out what's exactly in it if you do the research. It was a long time ago when I read that article.


Active Member
lemon G is the best stuff i have smoked... its good to the last drop, even the damn ash tastes better than any mid i have ever touched.