
Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up and your input!

You think I should just use a little less nutes, or give it a break one go round? Right now I’m doing nutes, two days of normal water, then nutes again. Think I should try just reducing the amount once, or skip a feeding?

Either way, again, thanks for weighing in!
Give it a break until it tells you otherwise. Then when you start feeding again, use at most half of what you used prior. I generally use about 30% of what is recommended until peak flower, then I feed heavy for a few weeks and back it off. Just try different things each grow, but let that girl rest with the feeding for a little bit and watch how she responds.


Active Member
Alright everyone, here is how it has responded. This is just giving it normal water. The ph of my water was fine from the get go and it never was yellowing or burning like this until now. Or after I gave itthw bloom nutes. It’s been having only water for like a week or so. The buds are like even yellowing and burning. Is there any hope for my dear plant or have I effed this all up?



Active Member
Alright everyone, here is how it has responded. This is just giving it normal water. The ph of my water was fine from the get go and it never was yellowing or burning like this until now. Or after I gave itthw bloom nutes. It’s been having only water for like a week or so. The buds are like even yellowing and burning. Is there any hope for my dear plant or have I effed this all up?

Can you see those black sludgy bits on your bud that looks like bud rot to me has it been raining a lot lately? If so and that is bud rot I’d call it quits on the buds affected


Active Member
And i would remove anything looking like that if its just dying from rot. Cut off a small flower with those symptoms and pull it apart and smell it. Find out of its rotting. Plenty of other sites worth saving.


Active Member
Also i would be doing a light prune on entorw plant where needed, especially down low creating good airflow to prevent rot, mildew and bugs


Active Member
Today is the first day practically all summer that it’s rained, so I don’t think it’s rotting. I’m also very careful about where/how I water it. I was referring to the discoloration on the buds and the fact that some of the nodes are already turning orange. It’s too early for that. It’s also starting to yellow.

I can understand trimming it a bit though so all the power goes into bigger and more developed buds.

Thanks for the input though. I appreciate it. Keep the ideas coming...thanks everyone!


Active Member
Today is the first day practically all summer that it’s rained, so I don’t think it’s rotting. I’m also very careful about where/how I water it. I was referring to the discoloration on the buds and the fact that some of the nodes are already turning orange. It’s too early for that. It’s also starting to yellow.

I can understand trimming it a bit though so all the power goes into bigger and more developed buds.

Thanks for the input though. I appreciate it. Keep the ideas coming...thanks everyone!
Jusy keep an eye on it. Did this happen shortly after feeding it flower food?


Active Member
Buuuuummer. I’m gonna keep giving it just plain water and see if it turns around. I’m reeeeeally hoping it just got burned. Is there any way to save it? Like if I cooked with it instead of smoking it?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what effects bud rot might have on a human, but if you're determined you're going to want to cut away affected portions of the bud, and I would suggest a peroxide wash at harvest. Jorge Cervantes has a how-to video on YouTube. Decarbing it for use in edibles would also kill fungi, and humans eat fruit infected with the fungus sometimes.


Active Member
I don't know what effects bud rot might have on a human, but if you're determined you're going to want to cut away affected portions of the bud, and I would suggest a peroxide wash at harvest. Jorge Cervantes has a how-to video on YouTube. Decarbing it for use in edibles would also kill fungi, and humans eat fruit infected with the fungus sometimes.
Bummer. That sucks. So should I just can it now? Guess I might as well before it starts smelling super strong and I can just put it in then debri box


Well-Known Member
Pull open the smallest of the affected buds first. Always confirm what guys on the internet (like me) are telling you.