lemon juice and baking soda


Well-Known Member
can i use lemon juice for lowering ph and baking soda for raising it safely???????im getting low on ph up and dont want to make a trip to hydro store for just one reason...............i can get 10# at sams club for less than 5$ .......is it worth it???????????


Active Member
can i use lemon juice for lowering ph and baking soda for raising it safely???????im getting low on ph up and dont want to make a trip to hydro store for just one reason...............i can get 10# at sams club for less than 5$ .......is it worth it???????????
I don't think you just want to use something like that, because it might poison your plants or it won't actually adjust the soil -- just burn the plant.

To lower the PH of your soil, use agricultural lime or dolomite. To raise the PH of your soil, use sulfur, iron sulfate, or aluminum sulfate.

I've noticed that my local Wal-Mart and Home Depot don't sell this stuff, though (maybe I just couldn't find it?). I think that's because most potting soil is already pH balanced and adding water and fertilizer won't change it very much.


Well-Known Member
yea.......LOL :)
im trying to get as many answers as possible.....i use about 4 sites total
i just need to get off my ass monday and get some supplies


Well-Known Member
lol....well i dont think my coco likes the lemon juice....im starting to see a color in the coco that i've never seen until i used the lemon juice