Length of Sexing Predicts Flowering Time?

My plant took 22 days to show the first white hairs, confirming it's gender to be female. The length of time it took could possibly be due to light leaks but if that had nothing to do with it, should I be expecting a long flowering peiod? Are the two stages related? It is an unknown seed, so I couldn't look up its characteristics. If anyone has had experience with an unusually long sexing stage and has also flowered please comment on whether you saw any relation between the two. Any input is appreciated. Thanks

- HomeGrown


Well-Known Member
My guess is you put her out there before she was mature. If it's a sativia it will take 10-12 weeks. If its indica 7-8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
it may be a cross breed with medium sized fingers who knows with todays cross breeds i would love some bubblegum if any1 wants to give me some seeds