lets see,
Rember the 3 Ls , dont tell dont sell an dont smell.
Dont grow in your moms back yard, guerilla growing is all about a hidden location. dont leave trash at your grow dont visit it unnessaceraly, duckt tape on the shoe soles wear a mask in the garden. No trails!
Big hole = big roots, big roots = big healthy plants, Healthy plants = huge yield.
Mix up some good soil, it dont have to be foxpro lol. Im using MG moisture control soil some black screen for mulch an water crystals (ZEBA quench starch based)this year to cut watering 50% (I HOPE)
Dont put all your eggs in one basket, use several sites insead of one big one in case one is found eaten, infested or molded you stil got more.
With out a wire cage its a gamble that some animal wont eat em. I use a 2.5 ft tall version i paint for camo an weave a bunch of dead weeds into it to camo the cage. The cage helps hide my plants alot an is almost invisable.
You should prolly top em to keep em more bushy a concielable. Tie fake flowers to em i use fake sunflowers to camo em a bit more.
dont leave trash
Have a reason for being outdoors an there in the first place, bird watchin , kite flying, cat hearding