Let it grow, first time around, bag seeds


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear the seedlings are doing well. I can't wait to see how your newest plants enjoy your grow setup. Starting them from the beginning with such a low amount of stress (compared to your guinea plant) you should really end up with incredible outcomes. I am willing to bet your current plants in veg and flower are gonna be leaps and bounds better than your guinea plant. Time will tell I suppose...and I can't wait to hear it from you.

On a side note...a good friend of mine harvested his amnesia haze plant. This plant went through HELL...I'm not kidding...HELL. It was started outside in June...then brought into an attic with temps well exceeding 100 for at least 2 weeks...then it was brought downstairs...still in over 90's...then it was finally brought to its final growing spot...then I found RIU...then I gave him some tips... BUT I saw that plant droop...get nute burn...etc etc. He ended up using a few CFL's and 1 150w HPS...if it weren't for me he'd have only used 2 17w grow fluros and 1 incandescent haha!

I said all that to say...his plant went through all that and more. I smoked some of this amnesia haze just today...and I was stoned stupid. It had an awesome taste and good high.

Your guinea plant and the rest of your plants are gonna be straight killer. Period.


Well-Known Member
mary - you spoke too soon... i think i lost about half of my little ones... what in the hell happened to winter temps, the last couple of days have been warm and that killed my little ones coupled with long working days. i still have 4 plants, 0 - ppp, 1 - ?, 3 - ww. it looks like i will be doing the rubbermaid thing inside while next batch take off. i just don't have enough electricity out there to temp control the building, of course every one is doing great they are old enough to handle the fluxuation.

oh well thats learning..

i decided to take off a branch of finished looking buds, it was a lower branch with about 5 or 6 popcorns. looking through my new eye peice is great, it is amazing what you can see, all the trichs are smoky some still clear. it looks like some more could still sprout. i found on the bottom of one leaf a family of white flies.. how shitty was that. i went out and checkeced all the other leaves on all the other plants, and nothing. so i got lucky, they were just starting to take off. i will be making the proper adjustments in hopes to ward off others...

the last plant to go into the flower box has really started standing up, it looks like its going to be a monster. the topping was a great idea.

my cats love to chew on the males.

most likely i will take the time to make a better more permanent rubber maid grower. i will use it for the first few weeks of life. i will also be making a rubber maid dryer, i think. i dont really want a bunch of branches hanging somewhere.


Well-Known Member
omg man...that's horrible! Now I feel like I jinxed you...man, that just sucks. Your right, that's learning...hopefully your new rubbermaid will take care of the issues you mentioned.

I wish there was something you could do for your temps...you gotta get a breaker box out there. Know any good electricians? Feel comfortable in doing it yourself?

I hate bugs. I've found a spider web or two out by my babies, but I've not once found a bug on the leaves. I'm thinking the earthworm castings are doing their job with killing them off.

I'm so bummed for you, I feel like it happened to me! Get those PPP's going again :). At least the WW's survived...I guess you learned which strain is more forgiving...


Well-Known Member
the problem is in electric line out to the building.. i was thinking about replacing that with a 60 amp service or so, that would do it. but its a bit expensive and the days just aren't right for that yet, if i can get by with what i got, i'm going to do it and see where it takes me...

but the rubbermaid thing will be the answer. i was just out in the other building starting the thing, i cant find my lid though, i bet i will get it ironed out up and running this weekend. then i put it inside like i did my other little ones and there i will have success! at least i didnt put down all my beans.

the latest plant to go into flower continues to bush out, man its huge. not really but in comparison. its taller than my about to harvest plant now. the little clones that are in the flower box will lead to an interesting grow. the one is about 6 inches high and the other 5. i was thinking i could put some side shelves and keep up small clones. they help use up the available space and make smoke.

i topped my little seedling that has been going for a few weeks now. and trimmed a clone. i will top it very soon too. maybe later today.

feel free to post any pictures of homemade bud dryers as i will getting into that this weekend also.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Hey Pimp, Sorry to hear about your babies. But your right, live and learn. Lots more I'd like to say but no time now. Have the day off due to weather and lots of fun work to do. I decided that for all the electricity I was using and the heat that they were putting out that I would pull out the 9, 42 watt cfl's I was using and set up my hps. But thought you might like to check out this thread. It is on another site that I have spent much more time on. My user name there is Misslilly (was the name of a dog I had at the time). And one of my latest pics. I'm looking forward to your pics that you'll be posting on X-mas day with your new camera.



Well-Known Member
hash lover- nice to hear your pulling out your hps. once you get so many cfls you might as well. i will check into ur link. thanks, maybe see you there sometime, but would imagine i will read only; as i have a lot to do and can barely keep up here somedays..

i gave the largest plant in veg yet another trim. not as big as some of the others, but took away the bigger leaves on top. i don't know how many trims this makes for her. it will be amazing. she will replace the plant about to harvest.

oh and speaking of her, last night i gave her a lot of water, the dirt is still super wet today, at the same time, she did a super grow over night. amazing. the trichs are still comming in, the bigger buds still have a way to go, alot of the smaller ones will be comming off soon. i have a few still drying, they look great! and they pass the awesome smell test.

the bush in flower got even bigger too. everyone else looks good.

the humidity was really high today, about 70. yikes that was kinda unexpectided. i wonder though if it played a good role in making everyone bigger overnight?

looking at the difference in the seedlings (one went to veg, the other flower) i'm actually happier with the cfl grown seedling. it is more compact and bushier. i don't know what effect the cfls will have on stavias but will soon find out.

i'm hoping to snatch a camera a few days before xmas just to get the end results of the first one...


Well-Known Member
i have gathered my supplies. tomorrow i build. a playground, a dryer and a new family. I wanted to filter the air intake to the dryer. i didn't get any material for that yet, whoops! back to the store....

i think all the young ones have died, almost all the clones. any plant over 4 inches is thriving in the veg area though, so not all is bad.

its getting really close to snip snip time, some of the buds are about as packed i could image with trichs. maybe sunday, monday, tuesday or it might be a white xmas. haha....


Well-Known Member
How come your young ones keep dying? Is it the temp problem your having that's causing it?

How did your 'seed bud' come along? Did it work?


Well-Known Member
its interesting and yet compound.. since the weather cant seem to maintain a constant outside temperature... 30 one day, 55 the next.. i'm having a little trouble maintaining temperature in my cab. if i know of gradual change i can make the tweaks i need and every suffers very little... i also think that this is the first time i have had so many little ones in the freezer at the same time. normally there is a range of hieght and the cfls are spread vertically a bit. now they are mostly all at the same level, this seems to make for some interesting heat and drying effects.

all that will change though, hopefully by the end of the day or sunday, as i will contrust a better home for the young and tender...

the freezer is still doing an awesome job for any plant over 3 inches, its not horrible conditions and there just that much more forgiving.

i'm not sure about the sex that went on in the flower room... the flower that i took was the first one and i don't know if the early birds have the most power if you would, also all i had at the time where hairs, like one or two.. i think you are supposed to have a descent start of a bud. but really i'm not sure, i don't think you can see signs for 30 days or so... all the males have since then died do to neglect and me getting busy.. you can assure though, when the genes are right, i will have seeds... from all the people i asked it seems theres no way to mess it up, as long as every one is mature enough.


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in seeing the new home, good times. We don't want our little friends dying off...they must grow into beautiful young ladies! :)

I'll just keep an eye on your grow to wait for the seed bud, I hope it works. I'm interested in doing this next time around.


Well-Known Member
i've got pictures!!! soon it will normal but now we can all get excited to see the every few week glimpse into my grow saga.

this is what i built today..

didn't get to the new home.. yet. not sure how tomorrow will work out. i'm going out for a birthday celebration at a bar, might be laying around watching movies and smoking, working off the hangover.. we'll see...

last night i broke my pipe, it was my fault. i had it for about 6 years now. everyone always said how nice it is. now i can only say how nice it was..

oh, yeah and lets not forget.. the first pics of my harvest. i have just been harvesting what looks done. i take it inside and break out the microscope check out the leaves, etc. i would say these small few could be a day early, but me being me, i will take some early, just right and late. and possible cure a few ways.

that bud dryer has three shelves. i forgot the filter materail so later i will pick some up and put the proper holes in the lid and then cover them with the filter. i have 6 cats and i don't want there hair in my weed... :)



Well-Known Member
i'm almost finished with the other box, i have to put mylar up and organize the wiring, and a few finishing touches. i will be using it starting tommorow.

with those few buds and that dryer, my room is stinky.
i might invest in a carbon filter or something. a whole plant like that would be almost as bad as growing it indoors.

check out these pics!



Well-Known Member
1. look how thick this thing is.. maybe too much for flower.
2. just topped yesterday?
3. clone doing good
4. the flower family
5. close up, camera didnt do it justice
6. doing good
7. almost done
8. thats a bush!
9. little clone
10. seedling in flower room, just got topped yesterday?

i had a good pic of pic #6 mate but i'm in the mylar so not today, it looks a bit funny, but i just noticed it smells really fruity..

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Looking good there Pimp. Buds look nice too. Your flowering plant looks really good. Nice job on the dryer. Overall A+, Go to the head of the class and fire up a fattie. You've come a long way since September when I saw your first posts. Also I've been meaning to tell you that I saw one of your posts a couple weeks or so back giving someone some advice and thought you did a terrific job. I'm almost done with a major remodeling job on my flower set-up, HPS with air cooled hood, mylar and repotting from 1 gal to 3 gal pots. Changing my light set-up also gave me a good amount more room for height. And with glass between the plants and the bulb I can get even closer to it and not burn. Now my temp at the bottom of the pots and at the canopy are about 2 or 3 deg. different. Running low to mid 70's with lights on and about 60 with then off. But my work is never done, I must get back to work now. Oh ya, with the cooled hood I can try some CO2. I'm looking forward to that.

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
looking good instead of the carbon filter get a humidifier for 30 dollars 1/3 full of water the rest with febrezze air freshener

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
You can build a simple filter for that price and use cat litter instead of the carbon. I made one a few weeks ago and it works great. I'm guessing with 6 cats you might have some around. After researching I went with fresh step crystals. IMO I would rather take it out of the air instead of just trying to cover it up and adding another smell to the air. I'm not saying that your idea won't work T33. Pimp, you could add a very simple one to the top of your dryer with a computer fan to draw the air out and through the filter. Probably for less than $30. If you would like to here some of my ideas for it let me know. I have built a 4 1/2" inline fan ($16) that can also be mounted to something for $12. With 130 CFM. And can hook it up to 4" or 6" vent hose. The difference is for mounting it you only need one flange($4). And you can change the cfm by just using a different fan, speed control, or lesser volt transformer. A 120mm computer fan will bolt right to a pvc toilet flange. I use the one with the largest ID. I've found some that will go on with no drilling even. And some that only require drilling two small holes.


Well-Known Member
Looking good pimp. I dig the bud dryer and the pics of the plants. I'm sorry to hear about your pipe...time to run to the head shop! If you have a head shop near you that is....

Hey, on your little clone that is thriving (pic 9)...what did you do to make it survive? Did you give any hormones, or is this one of your 'straight water' clones? I'm asking because I took a clone yesterday.


Well-Known Member
hash lover- thanks for the complements.. i try to help where i can, now that i have some experience under my belt.

the bud dryer is working great. i don't have anything to compare it too. but it is doing what i want, i still havent gotten a filter for it yet, but soon.

mary- i think this bud (DRYER) is for you...

sorry, ive been gone, i got some things going on in my life that keeps me away.

i gonna start some more seeds soon, cant wait to use that new babysitter i built..

oh yeah, and tomorrow is xmas,,, camera time...