Let me introduce myself :) The Rabbit from Down under!

Hi Guys :)

Thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Rabbit, and I've been a long time lurker of RIU & GC. I've heard some sketchy things about GCs forums, so I thought I'd join up with you guys instead.

A little bit about myself.. I come from Australia, and I've got a huge fascination with the Cannabis plant. I'm not exactly sure why, but I can just look at it for hours and research it constantly without getting bored. It's not my only interest, I also like cars, Hydroponics in general, Distilling (however I don't do that, because it's illegal where I live :-P), home brewing, and hanging out with close friends.

I've never grown before, but as we speak I have a Tutankhamon strain germinating in my cupboard. I've got a Hydroponics setup coming, but unfortunately that won't be for my little seedling.. It'll be for tomatoes (no one believes me when I tell them that though :-(). This first seedling will not be growing under optimum conditions at all, it'll be somewhere in the outdoors hidden. It's just gonna go straight into the ground, with water, and I'm gonna see how it goes from there. I may put some fertilizer onto it, I'm not sure yet.. I'm just planting one for the sake of it.

I'm not really in any position at this exact moment to give it exactly what it needs, and I've got 4 other seeds that I'll use when the time comes to give it a serious go.

I really am excited, but I don't expect much to happen at all taking that all into consideration.

I've joined this forum, because I want to learn more and I hope to make some like minded friends. The moment I mention marijuana, people roll their eyes or tell me how bad it is. There's just no convincing some people.

This has turned out to be quite a large introduction, with a little too much rambling, lol. I hope that I have not started off on the wrong foot, and I hope to get to know you all :)

Peace bongsmilie
Rabbit Down Under!


grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Welcome. I promise I of all people will not roll my eyes at you if you mention weed.
If you need any info just reach out and ask.
I've been growing since the 60's,
There is a lot of info here just read!
Good luck
Thank you Grandpa ^_^

That's a lot of growing. I'll be sure to do that, I'm already nose deep in the forums. I have 11 tabs open, lol.

what i wouldnt do to try some new strains, its always the same around my area, obviously you find the occassional exotic kind, but rarely,:/
Thank you all for the kind welcome :)

@Jack Harer, awesome name!

DSB65, your avatar is must be an Omen.. I just went to my gardening spot to plant my seed, and unwittingly walked into a spiders web. I didn't realise until I looked down and saw it crawling up my leg >.<

Spiders & Snakes, two things I certainly don't like about Australia.
Brown Snakes are very common, but would you believe me when I say that I've never seen a live snake outside of the Zoo? :P Just dead ones.... exactly how I like them.

My sister found a brown snake in the back yard of a house she was co-renting just this year, and most of my friends have come across them.. I've just been extremely lucky :)

The Funnel Web and the White Tail spiders are the ones I'm most worried about. I've found countless red backs in my backyard, but they're easily treatable if you're bitten by one.

Yeah, my eventual plan is to move to California (Not entirely Marijuana related).. And then I can pretty much say goodbye to them :P