let the libs hike

Is Jake Fate one of your sock puppet accounts?

wow, you and little bucky really adding a lot today. i dont know how the rest of us can take all this insight. you guys must have gotten scholarships to really large, really expensive universities.
wow, you and little bucky really adding a lot today. i dont know how the rest of us can take all this insight. you guys must have gotten scholarships to really large, really expensive universities.

shouldn't you be looking for a job?
wow, you and little bucky really adding a lot today. i dont know how the rest of us can take all this insight. you guys must have gotten scholarships to really large, really expensive universities.

Or just trying to save face after those embarrassing special elections. :peace:
Excerpt from the OPs link
There’s a shadow growing within the United States.
It is the medieval darkness of Radical Islam (there is no moderate Islam) seeping across the borders into America.
This page is comprised of all the posts on Islam published by Fellowship of the Minds. The best place to begin your browsing is the post of August 14, 2010, “3 Things You Should Know About Islam.” Please read that post first and become informed about this very real and present danger to America and Western civilization.
Not all people who practice Islam have radical views and are violent. However, they do ALL hate christians and other religions all the same. They have zero tolerence for jewish people in the middle east. Except Isreal
Not all people who practice Islam have radical views and are violent. However, they do ALL hate christians and other religions all the same. They have zero tolerence for jewish people in the middle east. Except Isreal

ALL of them?


i had a few friends in high school and college that i partied with who HATED me. :shock:
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
7 March 2011: There is a major national scandal involving multiple breaches of national security by Muslims working in federal law enforcement positions that you are not hearing about. Through a combination of blatant stupidity and calculated design, we’ve let our enemies inside our “house” and access to our security, which is a situation that is purposely being downplayed by this administration and the complicit corporate media.
The very people who embrace the ideology that caused the mass slaughter of 3,000 people nearly ten years ago has infiltrated nearly all agencies of our government, from the White House to various law enforcement agencies. A glimpse into the realm of corruption and the “impossible allegiance” by practicing Muslims to their job and country is illustrated by a recent case involving an intelligence analyst working for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). It should provide an indication of just how bad things really are.
"Not all people who practice Islam have radical views and are violent. However, they do ALL hate christians and other religions all the same."

moving the goalposts, eh?

Never met a muslim who accepted my belief in christ. In the Quran I'm labeled as an "infidel"
Never met a muslim who accepted my belief in christ. In the Quran I'm labeled as an "infidel"

so because YOU have never met a muslim that accepts your belief in a zombie that defies physics, it entails that NO muslim anywhere does?

fallacy of composition.
Never met a muslim who accepted my belief in christ. In the Quran I'm labeled as an "infidel"

and i bet you don't understand why... lol..

muslims don't believe in a savior, it wasn't necessary. god forgave adam so there was no need for 'christ'.... learn something new every day....