Guys, I'm leaving the site. This place isn't fun anymore, especially after some of you guys started trying to make money off these COBs. I don't like the holier than thow attitude people are getting about this shit, either. Seriously, it's just a metal case, a DC driver, and the simplest of circuits. Weed is a plant that's easy to grow. Some of you guys like to take that heavy draw of breath through your nose before you look down it at people. Get over yourself. That's all I have. Later guys
Please don't vote for me on the party cup. I won't be accepting a place.
Blurple sucks, and don't ever let anyone say it doesn't with a straight face.
Can't help but feel theres a swarm of peddlers hovering over quietly learning things they would otherwise never figure out on their own, just looking for a money grab
Guys, I'm leaving the site. This place isn't fun anymore, especially after some of you guys started trying to make money off these COBs. I don't like the holier than thow attitude people are getting about this shit, either. Seriously, it's just a metal case, a DC driver, and the simplest of circuits. Weed is a plant that's easy to grow. Some of you guys like to take that heavy draw of breath through your nose before you look down it at people. Get over yourself. That's all I have. Later guys
Please don't vote for me on the party cup. I won't be accepting a place.
Blurple sucks, and don't ever let anyone say it doesn't with a straight face.
chroni's new grow should be entertaining, penguin ferts and "homemade" coconut coir
Thatz it! im leaving aswell... and while im at it...may as well reveal to all that me and Hyroot have been dating secretly for 3 yearz....
Actually PSU it was Puff, Endurox, and BK who were the blurple masters. I was growing with those shit Chinese panels back then so my shit could only be OK at best. And it was foil TAPE dammit!!!!! LOL
And if there was ever a grower to rock the cheap panels it was MC. Black Dog should of hired him to grow for them. True dat. Anyway MC it sounds like you are experiencing that phenomenon of the Rollitup LED-section break. Peace my friend and for the love of god you gotta cure some of that Grinspoon for like 3 months. Shit will have you trippin' if you do it right!