Let there be white: mc130p's horticultural adventure continues

What cannabinoids are you messing with in the lab poodle? Just straight D9?

Here it's wild fire from the large hemp presence/farms. Isomers D8,D10, thcv, thca, etc....plus cbn, cbg, cbc, others. Crazy shit this op around my work does. Give me carts sometimes, still prefer delta 9 for night/pain though.

They say tchp is the big one coming, gonna blow open the market. All legal under farm bill, until dea tries to stop the party. Just printing money, still won't touch hemp farming yet.
Hi Everyone,

Just another quick update on the Honey Bananas. She's doing really well, not a lot to say that can't be seen in the pic:

Have a great week! I don't know about you all, but I'm trying to ride out the rest of the year with as little work as possible while still appearing busy to my colleagues. They don't know it, but I'm shutting down the shop until 2021.

...yeah bro Psuagro...echo voices from erased posts...THCP y CBDP...

...recuerdo cuando toque el tema del VPD...en español DPV... largo ha llovido desde entonces...

...y un regalito a los Bros.. .. donde quiera que esten...semper fi...

Descargaros la tabla...Deficitdesaturacion.xls ...tiene hojas ocultas...para corregir VPD en funcion de la altitud... y el grafico psicometrico de tres entradas...

...ive noticed novarine...first thcv rich...from elite seeds...time tell me more next year...

y Wilson pasamos a Mute largo...fue un placer...pero ya solo a ratos...

Saludos desde Tenerife
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Hey Everyone,

It's been about a week, so here's another pic of the Honey Bananas. She's still doing well:1.png
Hope you guys had a good Christmas if you celebrated and if you didn't celebrate, still hope the week went well! 2020 is almost over, let's see what kind of shenanigans 2021 can bring.

One thing that has started happening this week is that the plant doesn't smell very much all day long, but as soon as the 730nm kicks on and the main lights turn off, it really becomes super stinky for about an hour and slightly overwhelms the carbon scrubbing. Might need a new scrubber.
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Hello Everyone,

I was kind of bored so I thought I'd grab some more pics of the Honey Bananas. She's really filling out nicely, imho. I got one pic with all the lights on, then two more with the 3000K dimmed, so under 5000K light to get a better feel for the colors. Check her out, she's pretty much the size I was shooting for. Pretty lucky since I have no experience with this strain.


Okay, so I'm happy with the added light from the strip LEDs in the corners, but I really still want under-canopy lighting. I decided to add two 30W LEDs (5000K) on both sides near the floor. They're for outdoor use, so they should hold up well down there. Should get here this week.
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....im not playing on politics game... estoy por el amor y la paz... pero Trump me saca lo peor...

PD...maybe im playing a bit..on politics game last year...just a bit...era epoca de elecciones y habia que remar contra Trump...estaba claro....

....mi gran pregunta actual....

porque teniendo las vacunas....nos paramos y recluimos a la gente...vacunamos lo mas rapido a la peña y despues ya veremos...con tanta gente infectada y ahora con la nueva variante inglesa suelta recluirnos nos interesa mucho mas para frenar el numero de contagiados... su alto numero hace muyyy peligroso que mute la variante inglesa mas transmisora...u otras... stop de transmisiones cuanto antes y vacunacion.... se juegan muchas vidas...
...crees que esta tambien es una opinion politica?...OMG...

....cuando por no hacer nada ...han jodido al pueblo saharaui... y a Canarias... crees que yo puedo hacer algo con mis opiniones?... solo mostrar mi realidad bro.... no hay politica detras ...me importa la buena gente saharaui mucho mas que los marroquies pues marruecos nunca ha querido nada bueno para canarias... y que esta buena gente saharaui esta siendo sustituida por otra gente no tan confiables y desesperada en manos de mafias... y me llegan en barcos por cientos en cada barco... y no hay recolocacion o devolucion por el tema covid... los inmigrantes que se los coman los canarios...con papas...sin turismo y con paros altisimos..y con covid...
...que añito me viene.... reme este año para que no saliera Trump ... y mira un soñador hispano... lo vera caer... perdedor...Looser... politica... yo no juego a politica... ellos juegan con nosotros... los de a pie...siempre pagamos sus cuentas...

sobre el conector waterproof tipico de tornillos...ya os dije mi opinion... no me gustan...prefiero caja de conexiones waterproof transparentes...con los wago 221 o 222 dentro...asi no tengo conexiones electricas con tornillos de por medio...ni en AC ni en DC..

pero ehhh estamos en el 2021 y las cosas evolucionan vi otro conector estanco aleman muyyyy curioso...

otra marca alemana tambien tienen conectores interesantes para las placas solares...


...y herramientas...

esto fue en español que a los trump boys ...los crispa mas...bueno un poco si jugue a politica...juasss

animo bro mcp....casi... ;--)

Pd...si Wilson ...nota para el grow shop palmero...tantos años cultivando la chocolope y no las conservastes?... este Pupixxx... juasss... seguro que algunas tendras por ahi ...de la familia...animo con la family...cuidensen..aufidensen...
...ya me lo decian de pequeño...este niño no es malo...es ruinnnn....juasss...comparti a mi manera... y con pupix empezaron mis borrados.... gracias pupix... no guardo rencor...aunque me odien... yo os quiero como hermanos...
...el odio me resbala.... las guerras les tocan a otros.... estamos viejos para guerras... vale ya...tranqui no pienso postear en tu foro...lo dejastes claro la ultima vez... y yo tambien... y aqui ya pase a mute largo...o sea que se un poco mas feliz...

Paz y Amor

Saludos desde Tenerife
Please keep that mumbo jumbo in the politics section :peace:
Hello everyone,

It's been about 10 days, so here's another update on the Honey Bananas. For the most part, she's really filling out nicely. I accidentally overfed her a bit and got the tips. It's because I've been mixing it up one quart at a time and watering by hand to get used to the larger pots before I start using the blumats again. I was getting lazy about measuring carefullly for a bit it seems. She's drinking about half a gallon of water per day and she's getting a pimp lean like Dawg. Probably three more weeks if I had to guess, we'll see!