Lets do the IQ Test again... seems like ppl have said its good ! Post it up !


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, I am going to try it again and see if it will raise my score. That through me for a loop!

yeah, and those circles that twist have a certain degree they turn or so i think i cant remember id have to look at it again :D :bigjoint:

i guess 1 or two aswell.. i guess allot when it came to political stuff... lol, as i said if it was spain, i would take the name that sounded most spanish.. like jose.. or something ^^

hahaaaaaa but other questions i knew pretty much :D


Well-Known Member
119......but im stoned so i dont know if that will effect the results... ( i know it will just how much? )


Well-Known Member
119......but im stoned so i dont know if that will effect the results... ( i know it will just how much? )

very nice man :lol::bigjoint: as for the stoned part. i dont know.. an increase of 5% i'd say wehn stoned... when not -5% :P :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
will have to re test under right conditions! lol but i dont think it will change much maybey a point or two !


Active Member
Well, I got 101 being sober. Don't know about being stoned and can't say that this is The Test That Tests Your Intellectual POTENTIAL, as there are mostly facts, mathematical equations, historycal questions. It's a test based on rational mind, which is stupid, really.

There's so much man doesn't know and to think that he can know how smart someone CAN be, is absurd.


bud bootlegger
i took the damned thing and only got a 104, but i havent smoked for a month.. you say that if i would've smoked first i would have got a 5% increase.. so a 5% increase on a score of 104 would have gotten me to.. hmmm.. lets see.. 30203.. ugggh.. don't think that is right, guess that is why i only got a 104, lol.. that sucker was tough


Well-Known Member
i took the damned thing and only got a 104, but i havent smoked for a month.. you say that if i would've smoked first i would have got a 5% increase.. so a 5% increase on a score of 104 would have gotten me to.. hmmm.. lets see.. 30203.. ugggh.. don't think that is right, guess that is why i only got a 104, lol.. that sucker was tough
i got 116 but im pretty wasted and i really didnt understand most of that test i was only certain about a couple of the visual parts the rest i had to best guess and the maths part lol i was expecting numbers not what different theroms were called. imight try again when my head isnt so fuzzy