Lets go visit Growan

I read those low European fares may be here to stay. I'll go, I haven't had sex with a goat in years. Plus, we could stop by and say hi to mainliner...




Ahhh, Iceland. The land of Fire and Ice. Those guys are fucking weird, too. They 'ave a very interesting drinking history. Much like the US, Iceland had its own alcohol prohibition. Iceland’s began in 1915 and remained fully intact until 1935 when spirits and wines were legalized. For some strange reason, “strong” beer (anything over 2.25%) remained illegal all the way until 1989.

The thought process was that since beer was much cheaper than other forms of alcohol, it would lead to more depravity and overall drunken shenanigans. One of the most popular drinks during prohibition was the practice of dumping a shot of vodka or brennivin (an unsweetened schnapps) into a non-alcoholic beer. It would seem to me that would get people a lot more drunk than a 4-6% ABV beer. But, what do I know?
You make a fair point. I shovelled up all the rubble some time back and the tin roof has been ripped off and is now Spanish slate.

The shower 'cubicle' is built out of leftover roofing materials, but is totally bespoke and unique.

No, really.
Hey bud! Long time. Hope you and the fam had a lovely Gypsy Christmas...

Happy 2016! Miss your face...