Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response kitty. The strain i have are:

Blue meanies
gob puerto rican angels
puerto rican angels
golden teachers


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response kitty. The strain i have are:

Blue meanies
gob puerto rican angels
puerto rican angels
golden teachers
man mother fuck those cubensis!!!!!! get you some azurez..... or some pan. trop. or pan cyanz.....

cubes are only ok..... think of it like this.. would you grow mid grade weed?


Well-Known Member
man mother fuck those cubensis!!!!!! get you some azurez..... or some pan. trop. or pan cyanz.....

cubes are only ok..... think of it like this.. would you grow mid grade weed?
Lol, mid grade shrooms are alot different than mid grade weed! lol. I dontk now how to get azurez or pan, trop or cyanz. Have never heard of them!


Well-Known Member
Yo, i inoculated. I gave roughly 1 ml to each jar. Flame and alcohol sterilized before every pierce. Wiped whole room and sprayed with Oust 3 times. Sprayed all tools and jars with oust as well.

I didnt have enough time to get needle to touch substrate. Hopefully this is ok. I also gave each jar a mild shake...ok? Should i shake thoroughly? The first one was a dry run and it got around 2ml. There is still pressure in every jar, is this ok? I had a little left over residue in the spore bag, so i took a little more water, sterilized it again and sprayed back into bag. I then sucked this up and sprayed remainder into water jar for a liquid inoc...i wasnt as sterile with this as with other jars but it might work. How am i doing?


Well-Known Member
Yo, i inoculated. I gave roughly 1 ml to each jar. Flame and alcohol sterilized before every pierce. Wiped whole room and sprayed with Oust 3 times. Sprayed all tools and jars with oust as well.

I didnt have enough time to get needle to touch substrate. Hopefully this is ok. I also gave each jar a mild shake...ok? Should i shake thoroughly? The first one was a dry run and it got around 2ml. There is still pressure in every jar, is this ok? I had a little left over residue in the spore bag, so i took a little more water, sterilized it again and sprayed back into bag. I then sucked this up and sprayed remainder into water jar for a liquid inoc...i wasnt as sterile with this as with other jars but it might work. How am i doing?
Yo! :-)

1.) Needle doesnt need to "touch" the substrate or "not touch" it, it doesnt matter whatsoever. What IS important is that you inject it below the layer of dry vermiculite. Angle the syringe against the glass so you can see the mycellium forming.

2.) DO NOT SHAKE THE JARS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! What you are doing is making that nice FLUFFY and LOOSE mixture compacted! That's no good. Consider the substrate like rockwool. You basically are compressing the rockwool to a rock when you shake a jar compressed. It will hinder and slow growth considerably. The jars should be delicately handled. On my first grow, I shook the jars. It took them 6 weeks to colonize. This time no shaking all the rest the same and they took 20 days.

3.) There should be NO pressure in ANY jar. They should have a Tyvek top layer for air exchange. If you dont, they wont colonize or will colonize over a few months. You need the air exchange in the jars when they colonize.

Fix those 3 things and you will be on you way to the mushroom-jar-colonizing-boredom game. :-)


Well-Known Member
The 12 ounces dry are now 5 ounces dry. They were a little moist in the bags when I checked on them, so I tossed them in the Dehydrator for another hour and they are cracker crispy. This mornings harvest is done, but I'm keeping them a little more in there to to ensure they are cracker ass dry.

It seems when the caps which are originally "soft and smooth" will end up being a little bumpy and shrively looking when they are truly cracker dry.

Kinda sucks for my yield revisions, but hey, honesty is the best policy. :) :)


Well-Known Member
Yo! :-)

1.) Needle doesnt need to "touch" the substrate or "not touch" it, it doesnt matter whatsoever. What IS important is that you inject it below the layer of dry vermiculite. Angle the syringe against the glass so you can see the mycellium forming.

2.) DO NOT SHAKE THE JARS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! What you are doing is making that nice FLUFFY and LOOSE mixture compacted! That's no good. Consider the substrate like rockwool. You basically are compressing the rockwool to a rock when you shake a jar compressed. It will hinder and slow growth considerably. The jars should be delicately handled. On my first grow, I shook the jars. It took them 6 weeks to colonize. This time no shaking all the rest the same and they took 20 days.

3.) There should be NO pressure in ANY jar. They should have a Tyvek top layer for air exchange. If you dont, they wont colonize or will colonize over a few months. You need the air exchange in the jars when they colonize.

Fix those 3 things and you will be on you way to the mushroom-jar-colonizing-boredom game. :-)
Thanks for the reply. I am growing in popcorn which really doesnt compact in any way. Any good tips on releasing pressure without pulling in contam air??


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. I am growing in popcorn which really doesnt compact in any way. Any good tips on releasing pressure without pulling in contam air??
I'd rather not even get a discussion going on growing shrooms in popcorn in this thread. It'll just end up being a page of weird in a thread about PF Tek. I'd love to subscribe to your journal though if you have one! The popcorn still confuses me. Brown Rice isnt exactly expensive. I think popcorn is more expensive. *shrug*.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather not even get a discussion going on growing shrooms in popcorn in this thread. It'll just end up being a page of weird in a thread about PF Tek. I'd love to subscribe to your journal though if you have one! The popcorn still confuses me. Brown Rice isnt exactly expensive. I think popcorn is more expensive. *shrug*.
you can use popcorn-cracked corn has your subsstrate...


Well-Known Member
you can use popcorn-cracked corn has your subsstrate...
It must be so good because I've never heard of it and all the youtube videos nobody ever says "Popcorn is the best for XYZ reasons", its really just never mentioned. I dont doubt you can do it, I would just rather it be in its own thread dedicated for popcorn shroomers......... :) I mean no disrespect towards anyone nor the methods, but other grows having questions on different methods in a thread dedicated to my growing method can confuse people and make things just awkward. I do want to subscribe once he has one going to see the progress for sure! :-)


Well-Known Member
It must be so good because I've never heard of it and all the youtube videos nobody ever says "Popcorn is the best for XYZ reasons", its really just never mentioned. I dont doubt you can do it, I would just rather it be in its own thread dedicated for popcorn shroomers......... :) I mean no disrespect towards anyone nor the methods, but other grows having questions on different methods in a thread dedicated to my growing method can confuse people and make things just awkward. I do want to subscribe once he has one going to see the progress for sure! :-)
I understand, I have a friend (online) that is walking me through so i am keeping to his methods.



Active Member
I am wondering about the dangers of ingesting the home-grown shrooms. I have heard it can be quiet dangerous when not knowing the potency. Do you test these before giving away? Can you elaborate on how you know they are safe for yourself and others?

If you concern is potency just get good info about what a dose should be and factor in dried weight is much less than fresh weight. Wild picked shrooms can be very dangerous if you get the wrong genus. You can die or lose your liver. That may be what happened to Steve Jobs. Bad wild picked shrooms. Would explain why he gets so testy when anyone asks him about it.


Active Member
When you said 12oz I knew that must have been a miscalculation... 5 is still really inpressive for a first flush on 28 cakes! Lookin good! Did you make a tote will holes on every side yet? Make sure it has at least 4" perlite. But yeah, dont worry about your yeild drop, 5 sounds much more acurate. If your really interested in bumpin up your yeilds your gonna have to learn grains and spawning to bulk substrates. Give a monotub a try... you can even use fully colonized BRF cakes as spawn to try first if you want...just give it 1 week after fully colonized and break the cake up into a pasteurized substrate hydrated to feild capacity, let colonize another 10 days and check if its fully colonized, if it is introduce fruiting... its the way to go for bulk, I cant imagine making that many BRF jars every month!


Active Member
And you guys are talking about 2 different types of growing.. when making BRF cakes your inocculating you substrate off the bat, and you dont shake jars.... when your doing popcorn, grains, or bird seed your inocculating it as spawn, which will be colonized and transfered to a bulk substrate to colonize that... In that method you DO shake your jars to speed up the colonization of your spawn.


Well-Known Member
When you said 12oz I knew that must have been a miscalculation... 5 is still really inpressive for a first flush on 28 cakes! Lookin good! Did you make a tote will holes on every side yet? Make sure it has at least 4" perlite. But yeah, dont worry about your yeild drop, 5 sounds much more acurate. If your really interested in bumpin up your yeilds your gonna have to learn grains and spawning to bulk substrates. Give a monotub a try... you can even use fully colonized BRF cakes as spawn to try first if you want...just give it 1 week after fully colonized and break the cake up into a pasteurized substrate hydrated to feild capacity, let colonize another 10 days and check if its fully colonized, if it is introduce fruiting... its the way to go for bulk, I cant imagine making that many BRF jars every month!
I was flabbergasted by 12oz. 5oz to me seems on par too. :-) I'll go bulk by the end of the year. For now, PF/BRF Cakes. I really just want the most experience I can with shrooms, taking spore prints, cloning, etc.... before I make the next step up.


Well-Known Member
And you guys are talking about 2 different types of growing.. when making BRF cakes your inocculating you substrate off the bat, and you dont shake jars.... when your doing popcorn, grains, or bird seed your inocculating it as spawn, which will be colonized and transfered to a bulk substrate to colonize that... In that method you DO shake your jars to speed up the colonization of your spawn.
Thanks for the clarity +rep. Using bulk substrate is essentially casing right? I will be casing after colonization.

Anyone mess with calcium carbonate when fruiting?


Active Member
Wow. Just finished this thread. Pretty awesome grow all in all. Kitty and Dankillerbs I learned a lot from you two. This may be the catalyst to my long awaited shroom grow.

On a disappointing note, I was hoping this thread was still up to date when I got to the last page. Unfortunataly not, but I hope all is still well for you Kitty! +rep on evertything!!