Lets hope its not too hot this time!!!!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Ok so i decided to ave another go after killing off my last plant with far too much heat and then putting it too close to my lamp.

This time ive got a much better temp and a much larger space too so all should hopefully turn out well.

As a few of you will know i have been havin BIG STYLE heat probs so this will prob be a good sign for everyone on here thats been having problems... persevere it will come right eventally and you will save a LOT of money instead of buyin the stuff...

The light is a 400 watt HPS son-t phillips bulb a brand new bulb aswell so it should cool down a little after its been on a bit therefore giving less heat.

I germinated it on some tissue with water in the window ledge first i scrubbed along the line the seeds crack with some very light wet and dry sand paper too assist in the breaking of the seeds and they took 2 days to show roots. I planted the seedling into a peat pot with some really good quality potting soil and then placed that into the large pot/bucket once the plant was established.

The reason i have only done one for the time being is because of what happened last time and theres no point pottin em all for it still to be too hot when they start to get larger and end up wastin all my seeds so this is more of an experimental grow.

They are Northern Lights and sposed be 80% feminised and out of ten i have 4 left one i killed by cutting the root off when potting it 2 i gave to my bro and my mrs's mum both of which are hatched and female and the 3 i have done here all female and strong... One melted one growing now and the other was planted outside but my cat decided he was hungry and took it too peices lol hence the reason why im getting a greenhouse!

Ok so i started it on the 20th september so thats 12 days ago i think lol and ive got the small round first leaves and the next set (just one spikey leaf) starting to get bigger with the 3rd set just starting to appear right in the centre so tomoz i will probably have another set of leaves.

Rather than use nutes straight away ive managed to find some really good quality compost with miracle grow impregnated in it for about a 5'er at the local focus store. It says its good for 3 months which i imagine is no where near what i will get out of it with this kind of plant but im sure it will do me good till prob the next pyday after this one! (i hope)

So heres a few pics ive amalgamated over the last few days. the last few are the most upto date if anyones got anything to say add or help me out in my quest for a sweet smoke please feel free to praise or critisise i need as much help as i can get while im learning...

grow room
Lamp.jpgFloor space.jpgPot on floor.jpgFull room.jpg

23rd september
23rd sept.jpg23rd sept 1.jpg

29th september
29th sept 2.jpg29th sept.jpg

2nd october
2nd of october.jpg2nd of october 2.jpg2nd of october 3.jpg



Well-Known Member
hey buddy,.. How are they getting along now?? can ya post any more pics?? watching with keen interest as mine are now just at the stage yours were around the 3rd Oct. Just sprouting the second set of spiky leaves!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
yeah man ive got the door open to the closet all day and the silver fan pushing air straight up towards the crack in the door blowing the hot air out and sucking in fresh at the bottom and its working a treat...

few more pics for ya too my mate!

12th october
12th october.jpg

13th october
13th october.jpg13th october 1.jpg13th october 2.jpg

15th october
15th october.jpg15th october 1.jpg15th october 2.jpg15th october 3.jpg15th october 4.jpg

nice too see ppl takin an interest.... I think shes lookin fair sweet to be honest and the miracle grow soil i thought was gonna be a major issue hasnt showed a thing really...


Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
And a few more from the last few days!

16th october
View attachment 221833

18th october
View attachment 22183418th october 1.jpg18th october 2.jpg18th october 3.jpg

And these were from this morning
20th october 1.jpg20th october 3.jpg20th october 4.jpg20th october 4.jpg20th october 6.jpg20th october 7.jpg20th october 8.jpg20th october 9.jpg

She really seems to be speeding up a lot at the moment! Soon be the time to FIM! And i cant wait...

What ya rekon guys?

Oh yeah nearly forgot... I bought a weed yesterday and we found a littering of about 20 seeds in the buds, so i stuck 3 in a towel and got up this morning to find they had all hatched! So im going to go and get some pots in next few days and stick em in see what we can make of em! Was not too bad weed so im hoping once its been grown n not polinated hopefully should be quite pukka!


Well-Known Member
yeah they are looking really sweet mate! nice n sturdy and bushing out pretty well. I got Northern Lights too. Non-feminised but got 5 out of 5 germinated. They are coming along nicely. I'm a lil worried about my light supply (4 x 20w CFL 6400K) Seems to be doing the job for the moment. Got 4 x 25w CFL 2700K for the flowering stage. Just hoping they are all gonna be enough. A bit like yourself tho i'm just experimenting at the moment. summat is BOUND to go tits up so don't wanna invest too much yet.

Do ya know much about nutes? I'm pretty skint myself at the mo but i know i'm gonna need some kind of nutrient. bought a decent soil but have been told i'm gonna need to add nutes by week 3 or 4. What are you doing about feeding them?

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
If i get my old fone sorted ill post up the fist half ov silvia's (my old plant that i melted-see my sig) life in pics to show the difference in without a light in window sill - Silvia, and with 400 watt HPS in closet. Its massive though... i mean by now my old plant was probably 8" tall with only 4 leaves and this one is about 4" tall and at least 10 possibly 12 leaves... So much smaller and more bushy with good lighting. But the stems on my old plant were real thick and strong with longer thinner leaves and much less dense foliage. I dried one to put in a frame and got it out yesterday... Man i forgot how big it was lol bigger than your hand easily! ill have take a pic of tha too to show ya!

See ill be honest mate i know nothing about CFL's... Ive got the 1 400 watt HPS son-t bulb and thats it all the way through! Its working a treat though...

I noticted today aswell it must be getting colder because ive had the door open since the beginning of the grow and yet i had to leave it closed for 4 hours today and the difference in temperature in there was massive and then i looked at the plant and its grown about a good inch a massive difference to the door open. maybe its a bit too cold with door open all day now?

As for nutes mate im in the same boat... Ive not got much money to buy either i think im only gonna nute in the flowering stage! Prob gonna use some bio bizz or something like that, just as long as its bloom im not too worried my last one had bonsai tree nutes and she looked fine to me. Ive got miracle grow soil too, thats impregnated with enough to last normal plants 4 months i think it is so i should be good till flowering. Ppl say thats its crap horrible soil and unpredictable and stuff and that it burns the plants but i dont really see any burns do you? infact it seems to be doing just the trick as long as you keep the enviroment right!

Ill grab a couple more photos before i go work then when i get home too see if there is much difference n post em up tomoz night!


Well-Known Member
Hey sup m8. Hehe i just started my northern lights grow today, ty for checking out my germ thread. Reps to you. I just ran my first learning grow with some mid seeds form bag. Cloned a few and started a flower chamber going with those, but this my first real grow. I subscribed. Got one seed popping thru the rockwool and a few soon i hope. I also got a mazar afgan in miracle grow seed starter soil, it appears to me it rocks. I grew my last plants in it and then transpalnted to hydro. I may have botched the rest of the grow (mosstly the heat of a 400) but the soil was good for me. Anyway i gonna run three northern lights and 1 bagseed in a 4 dwc hydro and 1 maxar afgan in a miracle grow soil. These will be mothers for my girls amd then off too the system u see in my avatar and a 400 watt hps in a 4x4x6.5 tent with a 6 inch grodan charcoal filter and 6 inch inline dan and a duct booster only steup for cold days. For the heat i got a Euro hood form htg. U gonna need it. Above 85 I thinking mass heat damge for my bagseed ocured as they were fluffed out. Also they got cheap filters on ebay with a fa attached for like 65 bucks. I gonna run that for the vegg cab as these girls stink!!!!!!. Hope i not hij jack yur thread but i just had the NL pop. Excited. Anyway heres a pic or two for yu hope they interest or help.

That last pic is my diy cloner lol. 100 percent success. Just drop some well cut little girls in there and in a few days rots. Got an airstone and superthrive. My next purchase flora nova nutes. ANyway sorry for the long post delte if ya like!!!:eyesmoke:


Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
lovin the grow room my firend... your own design? ide never get that past the missus because of the size of house we live in! hopin too have my own room when we move somewhere bigger!

northern lights is a nice strain if ya grow it right and judging by my last plant its not too dificult too do that! one of the bigger problems being heat... the reason i killed off my last one and i nearly did the same again today! came home from work to find the fan cut out and the door too closed so shes really wilted! im gutted but i think shes just a bit stressed because of the heat a few days of cool air blowin across her she should be right as rain again!

gonna pot my bagseed tomoz aswell i think!

cuttings - see ive never yet managed to root one! not even off a rose lol and they are supposedly a piece of piss dont know why just doesnt seem to work!

post me a link to your other post too plz ill keep me eyes on it!


Well-Known Member
Yeah she's looking real nice now. That's about 4 weeks right?? I'm taking it she picked up from the heat damage the other day too? How's this one comparing to your first grow?

How many are you growing? Just the one? How long til you switch to 12/12? and how tall is it now?

I bit the bullet yesterday and ordered some nutes. Ionic Grow, bloom and boost. Saw a deal on ebay,. all 3 at 1 Litre each for £18. Decided that this isn't gonna be my only grow (I have another 15 seeds just for starters lol) so it'd be worth it in the long run. I also found some small white patches on my leaves (altho i think they are just dry water marks) and some of the leaves seem to be curling at the tips. I'm not sure if this is purely down to them bending toward the light slightly, but decided i'd start giving em about 25-50% of the recomended dose of the Ionic Grow. What d'ya think nibbz?

(excuse me,.....:joint:...... that's better)

I'm also a little worried as I have to go away for a couple days. tonight (thurs) until Saturday night. if ya have any suggestions I'd welcome them. The temp is a constant 24-26C (75-79F) and I think i'm just being a worried lil father but i thought it best to ask eh. I'd be devastated if i came back to 5 half-dead has-beens.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Yeah she's looking real nice now. That's about 4 weeks right?? I'm taking it she picked up from the heat damage the other day too? How's this one comparing to your first grow?

They are a little more than 4 weeks... Yeah the heat has really damaged the bottom two leaves but they are only the ones with 1 section so im not too worried! It happened because i had put all of our dressing gowns on the outside of the door on a coat hangar not thinking about how much heat it would keep in!

My first grow was very slow.... I did it on a window ledge so thats why but this is a much different plant!

Much shorter, much more bushy smaller wider leaves but im sure they will out grow the last plant. The leaves are a darker green there is a lot less space inbetween the nodes on the main stem too... I mean by the time i flowered the last one she had hardly any branches and yet this one has loads the branches coming straiught out of the stem at the bottom nodes never appeared on the last plant they are getting quite big on this one! And at 4 weeks, on the last one i had aprox 4 leaves this i have prob 15 or so... so theres a massive difference! did you look at my album called silvia? There is only really pics on there since i started flowering but ive found all the original ones now so i will upload them when i get chance... "silvia" is in my sig at the bottom of each post...

How many are you growing? Just the one? How long til you switch to 12/12? and how tall is it now?

well i did one last time, then i decided to do one more again but i found a load of bag seed in a weed we bought so i have germed 2 of those too and once they show through the soil and start to get established i will repot them too and hopefully have 2 females!

As for switching too 12/12 im really not sure yet im gonna take it as i go, i mean i am going to FIM it but you cant really do that till its about 12" tall and its probably only half of that at the moment i think the pics make them look bigger than they are!

What d'ya think nibbz?

Ill b honest mate i know nothing at all about nutes! never used them on the last one except for some very basic ones and im gonna wait a few more weeks before i start on this one too... They seem to be widely respected name tho so i would think you'll be sound with them! let me know the difference tho cuz as you know i need to buy some and a heads up would be great!

I'm also a little worried as I have to go away for a couple days. tonight (thurs) until Saturday night. if ya have any suggestions I'd welcome them. The temp is a constant 24-26C (75-79F) and I think i'm just being a worried lil father but i thought it best to ask eh. I'd be devastated if i came back to 5 half-dead has-beens.

I go away regularly and it never makes any difference at all to my plant and i have the most unstable enviroment heat wise you have ever seen!!!!!

Just make sure they are watered very well but not too much and as long as you have good control over the temps you will be sound mate! Ive found that northern lights seems to like it a bit warmer in my oppinion! when i have the window open so that my fan is blowing cool air across the plant she seems to slow down growing yet when i leave the window shut she seems to reach for the sky and say mooooooooooooore liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!! lol

so as along as shes got water you should be fine!

and also here is a few pics of her this morning before i went too work! i know shes not as big or healthy as most peoples plants are at this age but for my second grow shes lookin fair good in my oppinion!

23rd october.jpg23rd october 1.jpg23rd october 2.jpg23rd october 3.jpg23rd october 4.jpg23rd october 5.jpg23rd october 6.jpg


Well-Known Member
looks good nibz. cant wait to see those NL buds! seems like only yesterday i was staring wide eyed into my first sack of NL.


Well-Known Member
Well,.. Came back early this morning, and I can honestly say I was amazed! The growth is unbelievable!! I used the nutes on thursday (says 7mill per 1 Litre but I started by using 4mill) and they are showing masses of new growth! Several new leaves coming through now, and the 4-6 on each plant which were already there have almost doubled in size! Could just be down to them getting established, but it looks like they've had 4 or 5 days growth in just a day and a half! you could be right about NL preferring a little more heat tho. The closet was at 29C when I came back (instead of usual 24-26C) so perhaps that encouraged the growth spurt??

I would seriously suggest getting the nutes tho. I used what was left of my 1Litre watering can after watering them (prob about 300mill) on this little fern bush we got growing in a pot outside, and SHITLOADS of weeds have come through! It had no weeds at all since we got it a couple months ago and there's probably 10-15 all shot half inch. The ONLY diff being the nutes in the water! So I'm thinking "if it can do that to the weeds outside, it's gotta be twice as effective to weed under lights!"

I checked out your "Silvia" album. That one looks a beauty! Was that the one u killed with heat? That's a shame man! Do you know if your current grow is female? I'm praying for ya dude lol. Can ya post any more pics of your set up? I'm gonna have a go at loading the pics from my phone later so u can check out how my lil babies are gettin on. :eyesmoke:

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Sorry guys been away a few days seeing the family!

Also i decided to FIM her after looking at her closely i had 4 good full leaf nodes so away i went at it... think i may have cut a little too much off to be honest but there is definately 2 new tips growing out ot where i FIM'ed so i may be wrong will have to give it a few more than the 2 days shes had to be sure! and if it failed i got a topped plant the same as "silvia"

looks good nibz. cant wait to see those NL buds! seems like only yesterday i was staring wide eyed into my first sack of NL.
did you see the buds on my other plant? im propper gutted i melted her she was really straggly at the beginning becuz i grew her on the window sill but once i got my light it made a massive difference!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Well,.. Came back early this morning, and I can honestly say I was amazed! The growth is unbelievable!! I used the nutes on thursday (says 7mill per 1 Litre but I started by using 4mill) and they are showing masses of new growth! Several new leaves coming through now, and the 4-6 on each plant which were already there have almost doubled in size! Could just be down to them getting established, but it looks like they've had 4 or 5 days growth in just a day and a half! you could be right about NL preferring a little more heat tho. The closet was at 29C when I came back (instead of usual 24-26C) so perhaps that encouraged the growth spurt??

I would seriously suggest getting the nutes tho. I used what was left of my 1Litre watering can after watering them (prob about 300mill) on this little fern bush we got growing in a pot outside, and SHITLOADS of weeds have come through! It had no weeds at all since we got it a couple months ago and there's probably 10-15 all shot half inch. The ONLY diff being the nutes in the water! So I'm thinking "if it can do that to the weeds outside, it's gotta be twice as effective to weed under lights!"

I checked out your "Silvia" album. That one looks a beauty! Was that the one u killed with heat? That's a shame man! Do you know if your current grow is female? I'm praying for ya dude lol. Can ya post any more pics of your set up? I'm gonna have a go at loading the pics from my phone later so u can check out how my lil babies are gettin on. :eyesmoke:
Ive actually managed to find all my other pics of silvia so ill upload em all in the correct order when im done on fable 2 later!

ill be honest with ya matey i dont have a "setup" as such... what you see in the first two posts is my set up its a room with a lamp and a fan and a door to let in fresh co2 and thats pretty much it!

and thanks for the heads up on the nutes... payday here we come!!!

my plant has really started to grow new branches quite fast to be honest i means since i FIM'ed (pics later) the lower branches have spurted up like nobody's business i think once they start to reach the edge of the plant level with the other leaves its going to be a right little bush!

not sure if shes male or female yet im gonna keep her vegging for as long as poss to maximise the yeild so if shes male ill just mate it with one of my bagseeds and make some kind of cross... i havent got the kit to be able to take a cutting and flower it and im not too sure about putting it into flower mode and then nocking it back again once it shows cuz its a lot of stress! ide rather just wait and see what happens... shell/hell show me when its ready! lol

anyway my latest pics are here and ill take more tonight showing the FIM/top and the new branches etc etc

23rd october
23rd october.jpg23rd october 1.jpg23rd october 2.jpg23rd october 3.jpg23rd october 5.jpg23rd october 4.jpg23rd october 6.jpg

24th october
24th october.jpg24th october 1.jpg24th october 2.jpg24th october 3.jpg24th october 4.jpg24th october 5.jpg24th october 6.jpg24th october 7.jpg24th october 8.jpg


Well-Known Member
plats are looking good mate,

i hope your grows going abit better this time.

What age are the plants now?