Let's Hug it out, Bitch...

well they wont leave you alone but if you report them sunni will come and delete all their posts.... ahahaha
I don't really "report button".

Last time all that happened was the threads got closed. Three times.

I'm fine with just ignoring the crazy mean butt-hurt ones.

then you will get called all sorts of mean things like snitch and bitch with the poster actually assuming that you GIVE A FUCKING FLYING SHIT! :)
Woah - it's ok man.

You're in a safe place...let it out.

It's ok Cornealus - YOU can cry....

Ooooooh - so I just have to start a grow journal and people will leave me be?


Granted, I don't really care about random people posting. Or funny people, polite ribbing, sexist comments, partial nudity, peen, puns, funny stories, clever limericks, just about everything else.

I just like it if it's meant in good fun.

Soon as someone starts to posts message of hate or is kinda mean about it - I don't care to read what they say to me anymore.

I'm pretty much always kidding.

For example - when I was talking to that little twat before - I didn't mean I would really "rape" him. hahaha. He's probably fat and gross. Yuck. Plus - I'm not actually a raper.

That's mean. haha

You threaten me and talk a big game and then cry like a baby when you don't like being picked on after trying to pick on me.
You were not doing that in the spirit of fun. You were trying to be mean.

You are pathetic.

Who are you talking to?