Let's Hug it out, Bitch...

why is it grey
Hidden Moves is the toybox for the collected works of Welsh artist and designer Rhys Owens. He grew up in the decade of Rubik's Cubes, Thundercats, and the ZX Spectrum, and nurtured his creative talents by decorating the faces of his sister's dolls with a ballpoint pen. In later life, he began experimenting with photography, illustration, and digital 3D to create his own unique aesthetic. This includes the creation of a number of surreal characters that currently inhabit the Hidden Moves universe.
Let's Hug It Out with a Drive-by.... falling down style.
That movie was pretty bad ass.

And in a self-defence type situation, sure I'd go postal.

I still don't think I could hurt strangers though. No matter how cunty they are.

It might be time for a re-watch. Haven't seen it in aaaaages.
if im not mistaken, most everyone m.douglas fk'd up had it coming to them. since he snapped/fell down a few popo may had been collateral damage- he was a decent homicidal hero fighting for rights.
Lol, I've gone -somewhat- postal for less. ...
I've never been in a fight.

Not a real one out of anger. I've wraaaastled, but that doesn't count.

Haven't even been in many yelling fights, cept with a couple ex's.

Never saw the point in fighting. Usually easier to just talk about it with words.
It's all about the chemistry of the situation on that given day and what's at risk.

I like your idea about diplomacy first and foremost.
Always easier to talk it out, if everyone's willing.

Some people aren't willing though. Betches be crazy. Folks aren't always rational.

One of my girlfriend's ex's used to break shit in their fights. TVs and stuff.

That shit is craaaaaaaazy!

Although my ex would never talk about anything ever again.

I wonder if I'd prefer angry yelling to no words at all?
A buddy of mine moved back from the northwest, a quiet guy, and he explains that he 'vacated' his last apartment by throwing a television through the living room window.

Sometimes it's good to get things off your chest. I'm drawing a blank for any destructive things I've done. Oh, well there was that one time..
I got drunk
A buddy of mine moved back from the northwest, a quiet guy, and he explains that he 'vacated' his last apartment by throwing a television through the living room window.

Sometimes it's good to get things off your chest. I'm drawing a blank for any destructive things I've done. Oh, well there was that one time..
I got drunk and shot my tv just like elvis cause I didnt like Mrs. Walter White Bringing me down...She cost me and him a lot of money that dirty bitch...whiskey and cocaine is not a good combination for me
I got drunk

I got drunk and shot my tv just like elvis cause I didnt like Mrs. Walter White Bringing me down...She cost me and him a lot of money that dirty bitch...whiskey and cocaine is not a good combination for me
Shot? With a gun?

Hahaha. Holy hell.

I'm a fuckin Mennonite compared to some of you crazy kids.

Neat story though. Long as you didn't get in trouble.