Lets ID astral's plants!


Well-Known Member
Im not sure how accurate you can be id'ing a plants strain by looking at it, but i thought i would see if anyone had any ideas on my plants as they are all so different.

First pic plant #1: im pretty sure this seed was from some good mexi, and this plant is growing like crazy. it sprouted 11/9 so is 13 days old today.

Second pic plant #2: seed was from some so so skunk, it had a really hard beggining but held on, but is growing so slowly and is so small compared to my first plant. this one was put in new soil as a baby sprout on 11/7, so is 15 days old.

Third pic plant #3: this is the one im really wondering about. its first leaves look really fluffy and dark green, and are squarish. the next set coming out of the middle are pointy but still have that fluffy look to them. this seed was from some pretty dank skunk, possibly afghany. sprouted 11/18 so is 4 days old.

any thoughts are appreciated!



Well-Known Member
The only way you'd really be able to tell what strain it is would be when its flowering when you see the buds and smell it (even then its not 100%)

If you say #1 is "mexi" then its Mexican

If you say #2 is from skunk then its skunk.

this seed was from some pretty dank skunk, possibly afghany

You didn't need help ID'ing these strains you said the type of strain in each one.

What was the real reason you put these up? :confused:

If you wanted to brag or something make a journal for crying out loud. You ID'ed the strains yourself as you were asking us what strain they were


Well-Known Member
I don't think he's bragging, he's just showing what he got. And for a friendly reply, I like the big fat leaves on that little Indica seedling. He is sowing the seed, the good seed and that's all good in my book. Keep us posted and show us lots of pics, It's interesting to see how bag seed turns out.


Well-Known Member
bragging over three little plants? cmon man, have you seen some of the journals in here? maybe you should learn to read more and try and be cool on the internet less.

im mostly interested in what my little plant with the square leaves could be, since it looks so different than plants i have seen or sprouted. the seed came from a small bag of seeds i have collected over the years from really good herbs. all different kinds.
if you have a suggestion on a strain you have seen that looked like this, that would be great to hear! if your gonna come in here and e thug for no apparent reason, please find another thread. we are not impressed.


Active Member
Well thats the internet. I cant wait to follow your grow since it's very similar to mine. Good luck.:blsmoke: