Lets not forget those who made our xmas safe this year


Well-Known Member
costa rica got rid of its army about 45 years ago.

they've been doing fine.

in fact, they are not mired in multiple endless wars.

what a


Well-Known Member
When the rioting starts (not if) those same troops will be enforcing a military control grid in your neighbourhoods.
Those same troops will violate your constitutional rights, similar to how people were disarmed during katrina, or shot for walking over bridges.
Those same troops will contain you and make you do whatever the command is that comes from above.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
LOL I saw the thread title and thought

"oh shit, a few people are going to drop their "2 cents" and it will end up being people aruging over wether the war is just, or weather the soldiers even deserve praise at all..."

turns out I was exactly right :lol:

bottom line is, the guys in iraq get shot at... you dont..... they serve under the military... you probably dont

even if cops are assholes in general, you still gotta respect their call to duty & the fact that they continue to show up for work... the same principle goes with soldiers in iraq... weather they signed up for it or not, thank them for their service and keep smoking your weed in the country that hasn't been invaded since the revolutionary war.


Well-Known Member
I am not singleing out american troops though, I believe what I said is true universaly.
As I said earlier, our government played the same tricks on us, blameing the "rooi gevaar" (red danger), terrorism etc.
Then when they saw they could not win, they defected and joined "their enemies" to continue drawing a salary.


New Member
Yeah but that's the way it should be, pretty scary when people want and expect to be able to claim that we should thank the people who are making the world a dangerous place to live in, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and not hear opposing views.


King Tut
When the rioting starts (not if) those same troops will be enforcing a military control grid in your neighbourhoods.
Those same troops will violate your constitutional rights, similar to how people were disarmed during katrina, or shot for walking over bridges.
Those same troops will contain you and make you do whatever the command is that comes from above.
And THIS is why the 2nd Ammendment is so dear to my heart.


Well-Known Member
Alot of good it did the folks in new orleans.




New Member

Here is your war and Christmas. Dead babies. Just the idea that people would link a holy day to soldiers is a bit disturbing to be honest. Jesus wasn't down with killing.


King Tut
It would take a massive uprising to have any prayer of it working. But I will die on my feet before I'll live on my knees.


New Member
Live on your knees? America has the higest percentage of it's population in prison, the rest are scared it's going to happen to them sooner or later. Old people are working at Walmart to cover their medical bills. You guys aren't only on your knees already, you're holding your anus open with both hands.


Well-Known Member
I dare JapanFreak to talk the same shit in front of a soldier. One that maybe seen his buddy blown apart by an IED. Or one that had to hold his buddy's jaw on while they waited for a medevac.

Wow. I don't agree with America's foreign policies, but you know what, if it wasn't for American and Canadian and other Allied forces doing there thing in WWII, we'd all be under a fucking Nazi boot, goose-stepping right now.

Ignorant clown. War has been, and always will be a human condition. Really, someone stated 250 yrs of peace in Roman times......LOL. Guess why, because the fucking Romans crushed their rivals with military might. And 250 yr. in the broad span of humankind on this planet.....really, 250 yrs.....Holy shit.:roll: Even if it was an actual fact:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: Probably bullshit propoganda from a corrupt Roman government of the time.

As long as religion exists, there will be wars. As long as one region has an abundance of a resource, and another has shortages, there will be wars. As long as there is land ownership in contention, there will be wars. As long as man uses any excuse to go to war, there will be wars.....and anything can be an excuse.

The fact is though, soldiers follow orders, they don't write them. Soldiers don't make the excuses for war, politicians do that. So show some fucking respect. Either by actually paying respect, or fuckin off. Now I know why someone posted that thread earlier about JapanFreak being a fucktard and all that. It seems like it got pulled, but hopefully this is going to remind everyone why it's true.