Let's put the Bill Clinton legacy to rest for good in this forum.


New Member
If you Bill Clinton supporters won't believe those of us who continue to tell the you truth about the sociopath known as Bill Clinton, here's Bill Clinton stripped naked by the American Socialist Worker's Party. Have fun reading it. Hopefully, as a result, your cemented brain cells will finally become objective again:

The broken promises of Bill Clinton

Here's a small excerpt from the article ... printed here especially for Med and Dank:

"Corporate America couldn’t have had too many complaints about the Clinton administration, either. The Clinton-backed Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996 deregulated the radio market and set the stage for today’s media merger mania. Even as it was making a mess of health care reform, the administration pushed through the NAFTA free trade deal over the objections of many Democratic members of Congress and the opposition of organized labor."



New Member
If you Bill Clinton supporters won't believe those of us who continue to tell the you truth about the sociopath known as Bill Clinton, here's Bill Clinton stripped naked by the American Socialist Worker's Party. Have fun reading it. Hopefully, as a result, your cemented brain cells will finally become objective again:

The broken promises of Bill Clinton

Here's a small excerpt from the article ... printed here especially for Med and Dank:

"Corporate America couldn’t have had too many complaints about the Clinton administration, either. The Clinton-backed Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996 deregulated the radio market and set the stage for today’s media merger mania. Even as it was making a mess of health care reform, the administration pushed through the NAFTA free trade deal over the objections of many Democratic members of Congress and the opposition of organized labor."

Hey, Clinton was no angel, but the middle class fared much better under Bill Clinton rhan the Bush Regime. I'm pretty sure it was the repukes that put the kaibash on Hillary's health care agenda and also the corporate elitests and rwpukes that pushed through NAFTA, Not the Clintons, Then with the repukes in control of the congress and his hands tied by the bullshit Blow job Impeachment hearings, the repukes pushed all their corporate agenda through. He may have signed it, but with all his political power broken by the Bullshit blow job scandal, the repukes had him by the balls. Clinton had the right Ideas when he came to office, but the elites got to him and poisoned his agenda.


Well-Known Member
i'm interested in the videos floating around on the internet that say Clinton was involved in cocaine operations in Arkansas while he was governor. A man operating within the program scanned his flight logs and posted them online. Claims that he was supplying the huge cocaine kingpin Barry Seal on behalf of CIA. Mena, Arkansas, look it up. Wouldn't that make all of you give up this partisan hackery bullshit and find a politician capable of solving a problem? There has been a Bush or Clinton in the White House for three decades if hillary wins. All this argument can do is inflate one of both evil corporate parties. This is not ultimately important, is it?


Well-Known Member
"Clinton just signed the papers"

lol, isn't that what every president does when he wants to make something law? maybe since he didn't inhale he didn't think there was real ink in the pen.... hmm.



New Member
"Clinton just signed the papers"

lol, isn't that what every president does when he wants to make something law? maybe since he didn't inhale he didn't think there was real ink in the pen.... hmm.

~lol~ ... These guys crack me up, 7x. The link I posted was from the American Socalist Worker's Party ... and they still won't face the truth about the Clintons. I mean, its not like I posted a link from the John Birch Society. <Sheesh!> Talk about brains that are slammed shut! :roll:




Well-Known Member
you know what 7x, fuck you I'm done with you as well. Had you been paying attention I'm an Independent.


Well-Known Member
isnt it selfish to try to take sombody elses money and give it to sombody esle who didnt deserve it


Well-Known Member
Who's to be the judge who deserved it and who didnt?I just think its a little unfair that I pay almost 50 % in taxes while some rich piss of shit pays only 5% Thank you GWB!


Well-Known Member
Who's to be the judge who deserved it and who didnt?I just think its a little unfair that I pay almost 50 % in taxes while some rich piss of shit pays only 5% Thank you GWB!
so you want to raise taxes????

the person that deserves the money is the one who worked hard to make it. Who else would deserve your money but yourself and your family?

i get taxed 50% also, I am struggling to find somway to save enough money for my kids college while that 50% they take is going to lazy dads who mooch off thier baby mommas food stamps and welfare checks. thats fucking great so instead of being able to send my kids to college I just bought a case for every lazy prick out there!! i know cuz most of they lazy welfare pirick are my freinds!!! im about to get a divorce just so my wife can start collecting money, fuck this im getting my chedder back


New Member
No just raise the taxes on the rich.
Amen, fuck the rich. I'm all for class warfare, bring it on. I could shoot a rich prick for breakfast, take a nap and wake up ready to shoot a few for lunch. I care about them about as much as they care about the rest of us, ant thats not at all, so lets get this shit started, I've got plenty of guns snd ammo, I say kill a rich prick a day and if all of us did that, within a week, there'd be no rich pricks, then we could divvy up their money, and get back on the couch and smoke and drink till we run out of money, then start over. Hey fuck those hard working rich assholes, they need to learn how to relax, like 6 ft. under,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
sounds good, ill be the one to kill you when you get thier money cuz then you will be the rich prick:mrgreen:


anyway its sounds all fine and dandy to tax the rich but your not looking at the big picture, by taxing the rich even more it makes the economy crash and hence you will lose your jobs, those of you who have one, and will put more people on unemployment and welfare checks causing you crazy cooks to wanna tax the rich some more:mrgreen:, untill everone is getting checks from the gov even the rich cuz they will be broke now and the government will just hold all our money adn piece meal it out to use for food stamps. sounds like a great idea guys,

wait a min, why dont you guys just move to Cuba, I heard the government takes care of everything over there, maybe you can go see what its like for your daughter to have sex with somone for a pack of cigeretts.

take a carton with you, you will get laid the whole time you are there.:blsmoke:

nothin more awe inspiring than seeing a young lady sucking cock so her kids dont starve. I think thats the proud america we need.


Active Member
I dont think that a Socialist article is the place to find accurate information. Socialism has historically used propaganda to promote a failing system of government. At least while Bill was in the whitehouse we had a surplus, and the reason he signed NAFTA in was to please the republicans. He cant just piss off a bunch of republicans and expect to get reelected. Its poitics and its fucked. I dont like Clinton as a person but he was better than alot of other presidents.


Well-Known Member
they say if you are a republican before your 25 years old, you have no heart, and they say if you are still a democrate after you turn 25 years old you have no brain :mrgreen:

just a joke :mrgreen: i love everyone here