Lets say i did switch to HPS

I have a space for flowering that is 60" by 24" by 48". Lenth depth hight. I'm using cfls right now on 2 one foot pinched plants and I'm thinking towards the future. Do you think a 400 w would do the trick or better to get the 600. Or still yet two 150 w?
How hard would it be to control the heat, I will use a cool tube whatever the size. And I would like to do eight mid sized girls.


Well-Known Member
How hard would it be to control the heat, I will use a cool tube whatever the size. And I would like to do eight mid sized girls.
Its doable gonna need a good extraction fan and duct,by my figs 60wpsft.5ft X 2ft x 4ft High.The hight after containers and Cooltube is not gonna be much.Better get a screen ans LST



Well-Known Member
Yea, the height is killing you. You aren't going to be left with very much room after everything is setup. The 600w would almost certainly put off too much heat. If your space was 5 or 6' tall you'd be golden.
I was wrong about the hight, its a close closet and I removed the shelf so now its six feet tall. Is still the 600 watter to hot. I was thinking that because its only two feet wide that maybe two 150s would be better. I'm doing it with CFLs right now and just wanna grow better nugz.


Well-Known Member
Yea, a couple 250 watts would fit that space better than a 600. 250 is more efficient than the 150 is per watt.


Well-Known Member
I have no link handy but trust me the 250 puts out more lumens per watt than the 150 and the 600 is the most efficient of all. The 250 is good for a 2x2' space.