Lets say the cops stumble across your ladies

Buzzin like a bumble bee

Well-Known Member
I wonder what would happen if the cops found your ladies. Lets say you have like ten or so ladies in pots. You think they would fingerprint the pots for only ten ladies? Or even stake out and try to catch you? On the other hand, I wonder if they would even go through all the trouble for only ten or so ladies? What do you guys think/know? Just curious..


Active Member
From my knowledge the cops don't usually fingerprint for B and E and stealing a car. Don't think they're gonna finger print a pot that has been sitting in the rain for months.

gwerns nugs

Well-Known Member
From my knowledge the cops don't usually fingerprint for B and E and stealing a car. Don't think they're gonna finger print a pot that has been sitting in the rain for months.
state? If u are in cali (like myself) make sure its not on govt land...go sneak on a corner of someones land and plant a couple...im not saying do it...........if I was to =have to grow like that thats how i would go about doing it....google earth someones property and get goin...


Well-Known Member
the world isn't what it appears to be half the time buddy. to be honest with you my friend that taught me how to grow is actually a cop and he has his mj license.:hump:


Well-Known Member
I wonder what would happen if the cops found your ladies. Lets say you have like ten or so ladies in pots. You think they would fingerprint the pots for only ten ladies? Or even stake out and try to catch you? On the other hand, I wonder if they would even go through all the trouble for only ten or so ladies? What do you guys think/know? Just curious..
It all depends on how desperate they are and how much time they have on their hands. From the sound of your post, it sounds like you are talking about little plants....and in that case, I dont think you have much to worry about.
Ten plants outside could easily be targeted especially if they are 12 feet tall and budding a few pounds on each plant :hump:


Well-Known Member
10 plants aint nothing. Now if you google afghani kush fields and they see some shit like that then yeah they will question people in the area. But 10 plants? Nah theyd probably transeplant and put it in there own homes.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
If the cops find your ten plants they'll probably leave another plant there. Jk
nah but seriously. If i was a cop i'd probably just cut off a clone off your best looking one :D


Well-Known Member
If they are in pots, its safe to figure they are getting regular attention, and thus I would be inclined to assume they would try to stake it out for a few days.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for double post and I know it was for only him to see but me being curious and all... Lol wtf thats some cocaine/heroin trafficker protocols. I smoke that ganja and if popo wanna smoke it with me then let them come on in. Alls they will find on my bookmarks/history are porn anyway. Love :peace: and respect

Ha ha porn.
Im just paranoid I know its a horrible mindset I find difficult to switch off, but then again the cops in my area are crooked once they catch you with anything they keep harassing you can you blame me?

Buzzin like a bumble bee

Well-Known Member
If they are in pots, its safe to figure they are getting regular attention, and thus I would be inclined to assume they would try to stake it out for a few days.
When you say stake it out, you mean they would wait there until someone comes? Or put cameras or somethin? You think they would do that for a small garden of like ten? I have always wondered about this.


Well-Known Member
When you say stake it out, you mean they would wait there until someone comes? Or put cameras or somethin? You think they would do that for a small garden of like ten? I have always wondered about this.
I'd say it's according to if they look like they're getting regular attention. Also on how often the captain's wife is putting out, and any number of other things that are impossible to plan for.

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
I was actually thinking about getting a wildlife infrared camera that hunters use and placing it somewhere facing my grow. And check it every so often to see if anyone has been there. Because if i see a cop or someone on the picture then i'll know I can't go back.


Well-Known Member
I was actually thinking about getting a wildlife infrared camera that hunters use and placing it somewhere facing my grow. And check it every so often to see if anyone has been there. Because if i see a cop or someone on the picture then i'll know I can't go back.
Bushnell (I'm sure there are others) makes a wildlife cam that sends new pics to your email in real time.

If I was going to go that route, I'd go with one of those for sure. They don't do much good if you have to walk out to your plants, pull the SD card, and walk home to see who's been snooping around.

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
Bushnell (I'm sure there are others) makes a wildlife cam that sends new pics to your email in real time.

If I was going to go that route, I'd go with one of those for sure. They don't do much good if you have to walk out to your plants, pull the SD card, and walk home to see who's been snooping around.
oh man wow that is awesome, pretty sure fire as long as you place it in a good location. haha lets see how expensive it is

Juan Valdez

Active Member
If cops have anything to do with a small garden of ten medium sized plants, it's most likely cause some prick citizen found them and called the cops. Or some young kids found them and blabbed about it everywhere. That being the case I would have to say that they would just chop them down on spot, since the citizen/loclal law enforcement thought they were "dangerous" to the community (haha). Probably same if a chopper spotted them, although drug task force teams have been known to leave small grows alone in hope that the grower would grow even more the next year so the cops can get a bigger bust and fulfill their dreams of interacting with a "drug operation" (haha).

Whatever the case may be it is not wise to grow ten plants in a clump like that. Cali, legal grow-ops and no fly zones/no heli fly-overs are the only exception I suppose. I know I woulndn't ever do such a thing! For many reasons!

Good Luck Bro.

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
Where I'm at they'd let you plants get nice and mature....then be there busting your ass one day when you go to take care of them. Ten plants would be a quick trip to the pen for manufacturing a controlled substance and our local "I jerk off to John Wayne pics" Sheriff gets a write up in the local paper for the massive "drug bust".....but that's here. This is why I just grow a few lowryders at a time in flowerpots....


Well-Known Member
damn, I've been looking at those outdoor hunting cameras with motion detection infared and all that jazz. seems to make life so much easier and less stressful. now which one to choose?