Lets see some hydro bud porn pics =D


Well-Known Member
LOL yea im sure man looks good.. Ur gonna have to put a diy together on that and share it with the rest of us haha.
I made some gumby hash man it turned out real good.. But that just looks bomb man.


Well-Known Member
Mine is silk screen...

I love it... I can do just a little.. or a lot...

and it's not messy... no troubles...

May not be as high grade and have a little more leaf material than others, but i won't be switching anytime soon..

All Hail the Kief...!!!


Well-Known Member
What did i miss a how to GBkief thread or something... How is it prepared and things man? I can get a silk screen but dont know the previuos steps.Im a newb still.


Well-Known Member
What did i miss a how to GBkief thread or something... How is it prepared and things man? I can get a silk screen but dont know the previuos steps.Im a newb still.
I get paranoied and erase all my pictures...

It's not worth it to have a thread if i am going to erase the pics..lol..

But it's easy...

Just lay your trim on a dish to dry...

You deff want it dry enough to crumble... but there is an overdry condition that will crumble into finer pieces...

Avoid the OVER dry condition as it will aloow more leaf material through the screen...

Some people also freeze their dry trim before screening... supposed to help loosen the trichs from the leaf..

I've done both and didn't really notice a difference...

Though I have gathered small amounts by freezing fresh trim and rubbing the individual leaves on the screen... (jonsen...lol..)

Crunch up your dry trim and start working it over the screen... back and forth... tapping on the screen... crumbling it as fine as you can...

The less you do it, the less you will have, but the lesat amount of leaf will have passed... so just a little bit of screening will give you better, tastier blonde kief..

The more you do it... the more you get, but also the more leaf material you get.. thus greener looking and tasting Kief results...

Now you can sprinkle it over the bowl or joint... or you can press it..

I put my kief in a cig cellophane... tape it shut (one small piece will do)

Wrap that in wet but not dripping newspaper... tape that...

another layer of wet but not dripping newspaper... and tape it..

Stick it in an oven at 100 to 120F max for 5 to 10 minutes...

Once out of the oven, I use two flat steel bars..(flat prybars) and a pair of VISE-GRIPS...

I keep tightening the pliers until I just cant anymore...

After I get it as tight as I can possibly get it... I let it cool under pressure...

Unwrap and smoke...

I usually just sprinkle it over my bowls... but that will change when I get my hands on one of these...lol..

Oh yeah!

Pressing Hash with the Piecemaker Pocket-Press

What you will need:
  • Hash.
  • Piecemaker Pocket-Press.
  • 2 x Pressing Foils.
  • 2 x Stamp Inlays.
  • 1 x Bench Vice.
  • 1 x Hair Dryer.
The hair dryer and bench vice can be found in almost any household or hardware store, and the Piecemaker Pocket-Press and press inlays can be obtained through our affiliate sponsor EDI.

Open the bottom of the Piecemaker slide in your first press inlay (in this case the ying and yang sign) and then the pressing foil as shown in the below images. Notice the other press inlay (leaf pattern) and pressing foil ready to go in on top once we have filled it with the hash to press.

Now pour in the hash you are pressing and place in the other pressing foil, then the press inlay with the pattern facing in as shown in the below images.

Now screw the press down with your hands as tight as you can get it and wait 10 seconds then repeat till you can't screw it down anymore. Grab your hair dryer and warm the end with your compressed hash inside, once warm hold the Piecemaker in your vice firmly and screw down as far as you can with it now secured in the vice and slightly warmed. This should give you a compression of around 3000kpa. Let it sit for a few minutes at maximum compression before releasing the pressure and opening the bottom. Once the bottom is unscrewed carefully screw the tap in again till your compressed hash slides out as shown below.

Now just peel off the pressing foils and your all done!



Well-Known Member
Alright cool man. Copied and pasted. Im going to have to give that a try when i become a pro. Or Sober enough to follow simple directions haha. Thanks man. Peace.


Well-Known Member
That's totally badass. Would storing hash like this have better results last longer? I want to find a way I can keep my stash for over a year, whats would some of the methods of choice be?


Well-Known Member
Hash keeps well...

As do sealed jars of PROPERLY DRIED AND CURED BUDS...

1 percentile more moisture than you need and you will come back to mold and rot...

but, PROPERLY DRIED AND CURED bud will keep for a very long time..

Keep your stash dry in a cool and dark place...

Jars rule dude...

I use for fish and fruits as well... I got jars of smoked salmon from 2001 good as new...


Well-Known Member
Dam GB, that's cool. I will just keep them in Jars. There very dry, should they be that way for long term. Then add moisture the day before smoking and keep burping and watch them to get them moist and fresh again? That is what I do for the last 2 years.


Well-Known Member

Awkward angle shot of (most of) the op.

The purple ones are for show, but I like the green ones for flavour.



Well-Known Member
wow i come home from work for lunch and see these.. im fuckin love those plants dude..

dam but gotta head back peace


Well-Known Member
So I did a partial harvest on one of the trays...

The stash is getting low, so it's time to do some drying...

I didn't weigh them wet, but I know this will be my lowest yield so far....

These are some of the clones that I accidentally spilled some of my miniaturizing potion on, so while they are not full blown miniatures, they are pretty dang small...lol...

I expect no more than 10g each on average.. and that sucks!!!

Anyways.. here is the mostly empty drying rack...




Well-Known Member
GB, those are very descent! How many clippings was this? I have a few finishing up in 2 weeks, that way I know what I am up against! :) I am confident I can get up to 20 g on my clones, just seeing what works best. Getting closer and closer.


Well-Known Member
This is crap... I am sooo pissed...

It should have filled 2 if not 3 trays... these turned out to be all 8ths... I guess, I haven't weighed them yet...

Don't need to weigh it to know it's shit...lol...

Fuck me...!!!