Lets see those pets!

I never actually kept any ball pythons. I was always more into the giants. My biggest were maybe 12 feet. Much easier getting stuck eye caps off a little ball than pissed off anaconda or a squirmy little cobra that wants nothing more than to kill you.
I don't scare easily, but cobras are kinda fucking intense to work with. It's a rush being just inches away from something that could deliver a lethal strike in a split second. Definitely wouldn't recommend cobras for anyone's first venomous snake. Best to start with something mildly venomous, like a false water cobra. A single lapse in attention can legitimately mean your ass when you're working cobras.
I don't scare easily, but cobras are kinda fucking intense to work with. It's a rush being just inches away from something that could deliver a lethal strike in a split second. Definitely wouldn't recommend cobras for anyone's first venomous snake. Best to start with something mildly venomous, like a false water cobra. A single lapse in attention can legitimately mean your ass when you're working cobras.
And that is exactly the reason I don't have one I have way too much respect for them
I didn't really start keeping venomous by choice. I had a buddy who'd wound up in the ER a few times after getting tagged. One time, the dumbass managed to have a bad reaction to a shed fang that jabbed him while he was cleaning out the tank. He took too many stupid chances so I had to save him from himself and take his puff adder away. He loved them, but didn't respect them at all.
I didn't really start keeping venomous by choice. I had a buddy who'd wound up in the ER a few times after getting tagged. One time, the dumbass managed to have a bad reaction to a shed fang that jabbed him while he was cleaning out the tank. He took too many stupid chances so I had to save him from himself and take his puff adder away. He loved them, but didn't respect them at all.
That is a very bad combination it will get you hurt or like you say dead